Mobile Marketing: Chatbot Marketing

Liangxin Liang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readOct 20, 2019

The article, “9 Key Mistakes to Avoid in Chatbot Marketing,” by Tabitha Jean Naylor (2019) claims that some marketers make mistakes while advertising through Chatbot. A chatbot is a preprogrammed sequence that automatically offers answers for frequently asked questions. Chatbots are used to assist consumers with questions and sometimes recommend products. Research conducted in 2017 shows that 34% of individuals prefer to use chatbots in e-commerce platforms (Naylor, 2019). For example, Spotify invests heavily in chatbot as well as Sephora that helps consumers book appointments and product selection (Naylor, 2019). Companies use chatbots on their websites and other mobile phone apps. Chatbots are thus used by companies as a way of advertising, and the construction process needs to avoid some mistakes. The article describes nine mistakes that companies commit when using the platform for marketing their products. The errors include:

  • Lack of strategy
  • Lack of dedication to the website
  • Spammy, pushy bots
  • Insufficient or unimportant details
  • Generic or missing name
  • Empty bot personality
  • Lack of testing
  • Using non-experts in chatbot programming
  • Gauge the bot’s understanding

A chatbot is one of the most beneficial mobile marketing strategies in the technology world today. A chatbot is among the mobile marketing approaches that I witness through my mobile phone especially when accessing e-commerce sites. Besides, when searching for information on the company website a chatbot conversation appears offering assistance. However, I agree that some companies do not carry out enough analysis and tests during the development stages of their chatbots and end up frustrating consumers. For instance, the spammy, pushy bots are common when using some applications in mobile phones, and I find it inconveniencing. Some cases that have pushed me to uninstall some apps. Therefore, companies need to employ experts when programming chatbots and ensure that they meet the required marketing purposes by avoiding the discussed mistakes. The chatbot needs continuous upgrade and updating to ensure it relates to the business strategy.


Naylor, T. (2019). 9 Key Mistakes to Avoid in Chatbot Marketing. Retrieved 20 October 2019, from

