Mobile Trends: How does Alipay simplify your life?

Liangxin Liang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readDec 6, 2019

Alipay, as one of the core products made by Alibaba empire, has changed a lot of people’s life, especially in China. Instead of using cash/card to make the payment, a simple QR code scan or online transfer is all of what you need to do through your phone. It has innovated a new life style for every Alipay user, using “E-wallet” rather than the real wallet. Alipay offers a variety of services to customers such as offline payment, borrowing money based on your Sesame credit, overseas payments with preferential foreign exchange rates, financial services, insurance and etc. Using Alipay as one of merchant’s payment methods can really attract and observe customers as it is really functional and convenient to them. What makes customers excited is not only the QR code scan payment, Alipay is also now working on a new high technology, facial payments. Alipay wants to bring its customers’ life to the edge of simplifying world. This is a major trend of mobile payment, it will renovate the traditional or the existing mobile payment methods. Imagine that, people can do shopping without bringing anything with them, just grab, scan and go, which will save a lot of people’s time and increase the customer flow and volume for the merchants. However, with the revolution of this technology, the fraud and security problem is always on the top list that Alipay needs to resolve. How to insure the safety of this new payment trend is what they need to really concern about. Besides that, it is not that easy for those “Old fashioned” people to accept the new world of payment system. How to keep the balance between these different group of customers is another issue.

Personally, I do really enjoy the convenience offered by Alipay as it does simplify my life. With the increase of is App user and market expenditure to the globe during these years, I would say this will be around for a while. Many digital high-tech giants in different countries are trying to imitate and improve Alipay’s business model. But with no doubt, Alipay has successfully launched its business into different countries, expanded its market share to a global stage. Therefore, as a marketer, cooperating with Alipay would be a wise move as it already has a huge amount of customer base. Therefore, Alipay is more than just a payment app, it is a revolution of the existing lifestyle. It’s promotion facilitates people’s consumption and also help merchants to promote their products at the same time.

