More Than Just a Chatbot — American Airline

Weiye Du
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJul 18, 2022
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Nowadays, chatbots are very popular in the different websites or Apps. Customers can find a customer service quickly and efficiently. The response time is faster than we send an email to the company, and it can help customers to solve problems. It uses Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and natural language understanding to mimic human speech.

American Airline uses chatbots in customer services in the mobile App. When I open the App, it has a “chat” logo for customers to click. When we meet any problems, we can use it to ask. In the chatbots page, it shows some common problems. We can click it to see the resolution. If our question is not on it, we can also contact the customer services. I think chatbots make the thing becoming much easier and more convenience.

American Airline’s chatbots

It is an interesting phenomenon…

The reason why consumers choose American Airline is because of their services and safety of flights. With the continuous development and progress of society, people’s needs for services are also different and always change. Because of COVID-19, customers have more questions and concerns about their flights. Furthermore, there are different regulations and policies in different countries. For example, if customer want to fly to China, they should do the COVID-19 test. It exists lots of those kinds of questions. So, American Airline needs to expect the same level of speedy and efficient customer service to better solve problems. It is interesting that many airline companies use chatbots to better improve their customer service. It is also the reason why it intrigues me about how American Airline use it.

Does chatbots really help American Airline?

Absolutely, chatbots help American Airline to achieve their marketing objectives. It is a way to improve customer loyalty, and it can influence their preferences is a priority for airlines. Most customers want to get help immediately, so it is very helpful to use chatbots. It will also bring them a better customer experience. Speed is especially important. If American Airline has a faster speed to reply message than other airlines, it will help the company to attract and maintain more customers. On the other hand, chatbots can also reduce call center costs, so that the company can use those money to better do some marketing and advertising them.

According to the article, Eisner said that, “ A better customer experience not only impacts the conversion rate, but it also leads to a higher customer lifetime value” (2019).

Does chatbots will be continued in the future?

I will say “Yes, definitely”. The technology develops fast, and it is only likely that more and more similar services and technologies will emerge. Chatbots can only be replaced if something is more effective. But before that, I think chatbots will be continues in the future. According to the statistic, “by 2024, Insider Intelligence predicts that consumer retail spend via chatbots worldwide will reach $142 billion—up from just $2.8 billion in 2019” (Yuen, 2022).

It helps our life becoming much easier. We don’t need to send lots of emails to complain about our problems and still don’t solve after a long time. We also don’t need to take a phone call and wait a long time for someone to response us. The chatbot is a good invention, which improves the efficiency of the work.

Reference list:

  1. Eisner, J. (2019, October 29). The benefits of a chatbot for airlines. Mindsay. Retrieved from
  2. Yuen, M. (2022, April 15). Chatbot market in 2022: Stats, trends, and companies in the growing AI chatbot industry. Insider Intelligence. Retrieved from



Weiye Du
Marketing in the Age of Digital

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