Motivated, Dependable, Friend: How I Chose to No Longer be My Own Harshest Critic

Gillian Setiawan
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readMar 4, 2023

Ever wonder how the world sees you?

(I know I’ve thought about this at least a couple of times).

As the common saying goes “you are your own harshest critic.” In today’s highly competitive world, we tend to hold ourselves to an immense standard of perfection. When that standard is not met, we then see ourselves as less-than, questioning our self-worth.

In reality though, everyone makes mistakes. It’s through those mistakes that we learn and develop our skills. These experiences then instill specific qualities within us, making us different, unique, and hence valuable. In fact, marketing guru and New York Times bestselling author Sally Hogshead proposes the idea that “different is better than better.”

Sally Hogshead (Source: National Speakers Bureau)

To give insight into what makes us unique, based on research with over a million participants, Sally created the world’s first assessment to scientifically measure personal brands. The Fascinate® test is a 28-question evaluation measuring how others see you, at your best. Once taken, the test yields a 15-page profile that reveals how others regard and remember you.

Curious as to how I differ, I took the assessment. Here’s how it went:

The Experience…

While the test itself was quite short (took me about 10 minutes to complete), the questions and lack of a middle answer choice made me think deeply about how I see myself (if I actually aligned with each statement). Usually, when a middle ground is offered, and I feel unsure about my answer, I’ll choose it. Here, without it, I became more aware of how my answers would affect the results, enticing me to more clearly determine my choice before moving on. Considering that the test is meant to show you how others see you, I thought that this internal reflection aspect was quite interesting.

Generally, the site was seamless and easy-to-navigate, the pre-test information was clearly and concisely conveyed, and the questions were short and sweet, allowing for an enjoyable UX (see my previous blog to learn about UX).

The Results…

According to Sally, there are 49 personality Archetypes that participants could fall into. Each Archetype has a “primary” and a “secondary” Advantage, or personality type, that has a distinct way of adding value. A primary Advantage identifies your most effective mode of communication (what makes you most persuasive). A secondary Advantage identifies your second highest mode of communication (what supports your primary to further add value).

The 49 Personality Archetypes and their Respective Advantage Sets (Source: The Business of Story)

So, what were my results?

According to the test, my personality Archetype is that of “The Authentic.” In a nutshell, the 3 adjectives that describe how the world sees me are approachable, dependable, and trustworthy. With this Archetype, my primary Advantage is trust and my secondary is passion. Trust personalities depend on our consistency, punctuality, and reliability to earn loyalty. Passion personalities depend on our engaging, expressive, and warm nature to build strong relationships.

The Reflection and Next Steps…

With reflection, I realized that this felt true to who I am — I thrive off of delivering quality work on time, and off of creating long-lasting relationships with friends and colleagues. However, many times, I just don’t actually believe that I am capable enough to excel at either.

I am my harshest critic, but this test showed me that while it is important to listen to that critic to keep myself in check, I shouldn’t give it more power than it deserves. As such, with this information, I vow to lead life more positively, appreciating what makes me unique. For this purpose, the test suggests the creation of an Anthem, a short phrase (just 2 or 3 words), that pinpoints what makes me most valuable.

Motivated, dependable, friend.

That’s who I am; that’s what I choose to embrace. Different IS better than better. Going forward, I’d like to follow by these words to replace my doubt with optimism, using my personality to engage, stimulate, and support those around me. Instead of having two distinct “professional” and “personal” Gillians, I’d like to lean into my unique set of Advantages to become a better friend, employee, and (hopefully sometime in the future) business owner.

The Conclusion…

Overall, the Fascinate® test progressed my self-awareness, boosted my self-confidence, and shifted my mindset by showing me how others see me.

Interested in finding out what makes you different too? Take the test today and let me know your experience(s)!



Gillian Setiawan
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Marketer ● Biotech Enthusiast ● NYU MS in Integrated Marketing Student