My New Journey of Digital Marketing Begins Here!

Wenting Xu (Tina)
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 7, 2020

Hi everyone and welcome to my first blog! I am so excited to begin a new journey into digital marketing with you all!

About Me:

My name is Wenting Xu (Tina). I am currently working full-time in the marketing and PR field and studying part time in NYU Integrated Marketing graduate program. I studied undergraduate program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship with concentration in marketing at Clarkson University.

I am a global citizen:

I was born in Zhuhai, a beautiful coastal city in the south of China, and then I moved to Sydney, Australia to study high school. It took me entirely a year to encounter language barrier, and made me persistent and resilient. After three years of hard work, I got admitted to the Bachelor of Commerce program at the University of Sydney, the one of top universities in Australia. After two years, I decided to transfer to a US university to experience a new environment and seek more opportunities. It was a very challenging decision for me to make, and I am very proud to make the move and decided to focus on marketing since then. In my last semester, I took a study exchange program in Northumbria University in Newcastle, UK. I got to experience a new learning environment as well as travelled to most of the countries in Europe. After graduated, I have been working in the marketing and PR field for 2 years now, and also pursuing and developing my marketing career further by studying my graduate degree of Integrated Marketing in NYU. My various experiences in the diverse world make me a global citizen, and help me understand people in different countries better by listening to them and answering their needs and wants, which is the basic of marketing.

COVID-19 is challenging but rewarding for me:

As part of my company’s CSR initiatives, I have contributed to the donation of hundreds and thousands of masks and ventilators to various hospitals in the US. I also coordinated with charities to provide music virtually to the front-line healthcare workers to give them support and relief. Also staying at home allows me to more time to reflect on myself and to grow internally. Opportunity always is side with challenge, and the first half of 2020 will definitely leave an unforgettable mark in my life!

Blogging opens a brand new world to me:

Before the semester started, I heard about one of the main tasks in this class is to blog. I haven’t blogged before, so it made me a little bit worried about what and how to blog. So I went to Professor Tombrakos’s blog, and found out that the purpose of writing blog is to create content, which is the key of marketing. I also discovered the joy of writing blog is to express yourself and connect with your readers.

Looking forward to my new journey in digital marketing:

As marketing is in the age of digital, and marketer can’t live without digital tools, digital marketing is an exciting area for me! I am looking forward to my new journey in blog as a great way to practice my marketing skills, record my growth in digital marketing, and act as a portfolio to showcase my work for further career development in marketing.



Wenting Xu (Tina)
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A Marketing Enthusiast & Global Citizen | Graduate Student in NYU Integrated Marketing Program | Major in Brand Management