Never have I ever taken a personality test

Monika Solanki
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readOct 3, 2022

Never have I ever in my lifetime thought to take a personality test to see how my personality is. For some reason, I took it and I am understanding myself in a better way now. It’s like looking in a crystal mirror and finally getting clarity of what’s inside it. Although, I am not as complex as a mirror, the test says that I am. Apparently, I am the most complex of all the archetypes.

The personality test which I did had a primary and secondary and dormant trigger and when primary and secondary triggers are combined, they form an archetype. My primary trigger is passion and my secondary is mystique. The primary trigger is basically what you are doing or being without even realizing it and the secondary trigger is just a layer after that which explains how you do what you do. Passion trigger according to sally hogshead pulls me to people close and heightens their emotions. This trigger is all about its irresistible attraction. Sally said in the ted talk that mystique trigger is about arousing curiosity and answering the puzzle. There were some statements that I knew for example, I know that I have a very rare ability where I can switch tactics of either being emotional or being rational and having an analytical view.

Some truths and whatnot

According to this test, I don’t always showcase what’s going on in my mind and I have so many layers that it’s hard to get to know or understand me just by meeting me one time. Humans are complicated beings and the more complicated they are, the more layers they’ll have. You know how they say that some people are like an onion, you must peel so many layers until you get to know the real them, well that’s me. I also don’t show what’s on my mind but rather show only what I want to show.

Let’s talk about some of my triggers and archetype

In the test, the primary trigger which is also a primary advantage is the most effective mode of communication for that human aka me. When I try and communicate myself using this trigger, I am being influential. By using mystique, I become more intriguing and curious to the other person and I can come across as being more confident and my authentic self. My triggers when combined make the world see who I am. My archetype is called intrigue.

One of the features which are dormant in me is prestige. It holds the least potential for me in fascinating others, but it is still there. This fascination test told me I’m very expressive, intuitive, and engaging. Which I think I am sometimes.

Some negatives of me, the negative side of me that u should know about

The least likely that I am to fascinate someone is by my prestige trigger which is my dormant advantage. The result said that I should avoid situations that make me use this trigger because this will derail my success.

The test also described me as someone being uncomfortable promoting myself or my accomplishments which I tend to take offense in because I am someone who loves to showcase what I do so this was new to me. It also said that because flaunting my success can make others feel inferior and that is something that I usually go out of my way to avoid is true. I am recalling this incident where I had to tell my cousin about a thing I did and was super proud of, but I was also worried that it might make her feel bad because she isn’t growing right now in terms of career and I was contemplating if I should tell or not but I knew that each and every human has a different timeline where I know that if I am achieving something and she is not then her time hasn’t come and ill be super happy when it is. And yeah now that I remember this, that point is true to me. Now I am wondering, are all the things really true from the test?

Can I actually use this for advancements in my career?

The one thing that caught my mind is how I bring value to others in this test. I can do that by creating a strong and immediate emotional response and by developing strong emotional bonds, I can help unite the teams. I should use passion to influence, persuade, attract and inspire any and everyone I encounter.

According to the data, 13% of people who took the fascination advantage test also use mystique as their secondary advantage. Remaining calm under pressure and rarely showcasing inner emotions is what I am being defined as. I make careful decisions like thinking about it beforehand and then acting. My ability to think about things gives me an edge over the situation and helps me with overcoming obstacles.

According to the personality test, the three adjectives that describe how the world sees me are perceptive, discerning, and considerate. I even view myself as the most considerate person because I like to say that I care about others where I see their point of view and understand why they did what they did and that is why I tend to be more empathetic and compassionate also.

I should acknowledge the areas that I thought aren’t good and even the good ones. Overall, I thought this test gave me more clarity into the person who I am and how I should use my traits to achieve success and help my personal brand grow.

See you next week then, keep reading.



Monika Solanki
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU grad student and a writer who is also a lover of art, fashion and simplicity