Nice TO Meet U, Fascinate Test!

Ruixue Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readOct 4, 2021

I feel very excited and interested in taking the Fascinate Test. I am curious about how the world sees me. After answering and submitting all answers, I receive the report.

My primary advantage is passion and secondary advantage is innovation. As for my archetype, it is the combination of passion and innovation which is the catalyst. And the three key adjectives to describe how the world sees me are social, energizing and out-of-the-box.

I think the result is true for me. As I mentioned in my first introduction blog, I am an outgoing person. I am good at socializing and making new friends. Just like the archetype — the catalyst shows on the report, I am always the first one to start the conversation. I often like to jump out of my comfort zone and try something new. Besides, I have pretty good teamworking skills. During the teamworking, I will feel energetic and carefully listen to everyone’s opinions.

As for building my personal brand, first of all, I think the first impression is very important. Based on the catalyst archetype, I make a vibrant first impression for my audience and I will have high value for my enthusiastic approach and the ability to generate new ideas. Indeed, on the other hand, in order to get success for the personal brand, it is important to know how to attack the audience. My personal brand must have unique selling point to draw the public attention. As the catalyst, I know how to captivate my audience and add distinct value to my brand by starting action. And I have colorful personalities and make friends easily. Accumulation is one of the hardest parts in building the personal brand. However, as the catalyst, I will communicate with my audience with zeal and encourage them to participate to my brand culture. I can quickly build the relationship with my audience. What’s more, I will always share my ideas and perspectives to add the energy to the conversation and find out creative and fresh ideas if teamworking gets stuck.

