Now you see me too

Supraja Raghu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJan 31, 2022

You know how everybody has that one thing they have always wanted to do, but you always procrastinate to a point where it is almost forgotten? Only for it to hit you before you sleep on some days, and you groan and say maybe someday?

Well, Blogging has been one such thing I have always wanted to do, as I love writing but didn’t invest my time long enough to write blogs. I was more focused on quotes, short stories, and poems on my Instagram page — @blottedwritings.

I take upon this quest today to publish my first blog. I am excited and nervous to share with you, my story.

Dreamt big ever since the beginning

Ever since I was five years old my favorite animal was an elephant. It was not usual, but it was mine and so all I ever wanted was to have a pet elephant and truly believed it to be possible. My parents who were baffled to hear this had to explain why it wasn’t possible which took me forever to accept. I later settled for dogs as my favorite pet when I started to see some part of myself in them. I can be quiet and lazy or hyper, loud and outdoorsy depending on my mood.

18 years later…

Growing up, I have been ushered to various places abroad by my parents and it has changed me. Traveling across Europe, Australia, China, UK — I have come to love how people just a few hours away can be so different. That thought has stuck with me every time I looked out while traveling on the streets back home in India or with how my life is so different from those I went to school, college or people randomly met with.

Just as this curiosity grew, Marketing fed into my hunger. Understanding how businesses’ advertisement strategy differs from industry to industry to reach their target audience in changing times of today and how I can be a part of this dynamic industry.

Where I am now…

I started pursuing a bachelor’s in marketing which made me realize the depth of Marketing. During my second year, I visited the United States to complete my summer course at Umass Lowell for Business, Leadership, and Marketing. My visit involved finding myself professionally and personally.

Two months changed my life. From attending classes, interacting with intellectual professors, visiting companies to understand advanced marketing techniques on a professional level. On the other hand, I found my adventure-loving side in the evenings where I spent my time Sky diving, Kayaking and simply learning to love to be by myself. These experiences forced me out of my comfort zone and opened me to possibilities I didn’t think of before.

Post my undergraduate degree back home, I knew my next steps would be to experience what I did those 2 months. With the pandemic and unexpected obstacles along the way, I had utilized my time securing a job as a Marketer and Business developer at a German based company named Magnetic FAAC, leading in its industry for security systems barriers. A year later, I finally made my dream a reality. I moved across the world to New York City to pursue Ms. Integrated Marketing program at New York University!! My anything is possible five-year-old me nodding her head and saying, ‘You got this!’

What next?

Well, I don’t know yet. I am exploring various interests and hoping to find my future calling soon. But as of right now, I cannot tell you how happy I am for the opportunity I have and for my instructor — Joanne Tombrakos as she is the inspiration for me to start this blog that you read here today. So, I leave you with this, start something you have always wanted to do but never got the chance to, and let me know in the comments. Until next time…

Signing off,




Supraja Raghu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Ms. Integrated Marketing student at NYU. A thriving entrepreneur who loves travel, food, music, nature, a TV show fanatic who is exploring the field- Marketing.