OLIPOP.. from 0 to 20,000 followers

Arlene Yeghiayan
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJul 4, 2022

In today’s society, we pick up on phones and instantly see tons of advertisements, promotions, and new products. How do we decide which advertisement is worth engaging with? The reality is, that the best advertising does not feel like advertising. Olipop was one step ahead of the game!

Olipop engaging with their audience

OLIPOP has created a sparkling soda alternative made with prebiotics, botanicals, and plant fiber for a happy, healthy gut. As many competitors exist in the market for healthy, delicious drinks, Olipop had to be unique to succeed. The founders of Olipop, David Lester and Ben Goodwin, have taken an on and offline approach to social. OLIPOP has grown its audience of buyers into an engaged community that is devoted to the brand as much as to the product itself. The brand focused on inclusivity, where the founders shared their stories with the audience and included them in their mission. They encouraged conversation by getting intentional with their packaging and imagery to craft an experience that resonated with people. However, this was just the beginning.

“To get engagement, you must engage”

The social media team at Olipop was passionate about genuine engagement with their followers and knew this takes time. The brand places a tremendous amount of effort in inspiring and educating offline to then create a flourishing community online. One unique approach the brand took was incorporating live events to validate and further the experience that they introduce digitally. “Welcoming their audience to share and taking a multi-channel approach to social has contributed to impressive statistics for engagement.” The brand was able to see both its followers and brand loyalty increase. They have grown their followers to 22,000, and receive an average of 1,000 likes per image and thousands of story shares.

Why this works

Olipop focused all of its energy on building genuine relationships with its customers first, before focusing on advertising efforts. Customers were able to create a strong connection with the brand through live events and social media, which increased brand loyalty and purchases. I believe this is a great approach to take in the long run, when trying to create genuine connections with customers and increase social media engagement.

