Open Me for A Chance to Win

Hyojin Kim
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readApr 2, 2021

Since Google introduced sorting out messages — inbox, socials, and promotions, email marketing had been separated and was avoided even more than before. However, it still does the job of reaching out to the market, and advertisers only have to be more enticing to be able to grab the attention and the people themselves. In order to improve, there are various ways to hone and tweak the traditional email marketing strategy — beginning with analyzing its aspects.

First, marketers must consider the timing and frequency. Depends on your reach, emails are more effective when delivered in such time that is convenient to your market, may it be in the same time zone or a different one — emails are more likely to be taken seriously and less of spam when they are regulated — how many you send in a week, and what time.

Second is the subject — clickbait lines are outdated and overused. Take into consideration making it short, simple, and straight. Jargons must be avoided, as it makes it difficult for some audience to comprehend and relate.

Next, the content itself — dissecting your message into progressive and elaborate one will avoid confusion of your audience, just tell them what you are here for.

Then, enhancement for all devices. Your emails must be compatible and user-friendly regardless of where it is accessed to. For instance, previously it was mentioned to make the subject short and straight. In viewing through mobile, only a few subject titles are seen. If the marketer takes too much for a title, it will be a struggle to read it through mobile.

Lastly, personalization. After all, marketing is not effective when it looks just like anybody else’s. Make it a point that this email will mark your identity as a marketer — like when a person sees it, they will automatically know it is you.

Let’s take a look at the strategies for building successful e-mail.

5 Elements of Successful Email Marketing Strategies

The above strategies can help you and your brand to achieve a goal and increase sales and conversion. Do not forget your customers receive several emails from different brands every single day!

