Passing It On

Hyojin Kim
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 4, 2021

“All countries need to review their strategies now,” — Dr. Michael J. Ryan, WHO Informal Advisory Group member

It is not news that the world has been through a lot the past year. Although we are still coping with the pandemic, it is safe to say that nowadays, we have gotten used to the new normal and the changes we thought were difficult to get by. But there are still people who are burdened with anguish and hopelessness. Many brands have developed their legacy in coping with current events by giving discounts to healthcare workers, giving random gifts of gratitude, and providing priorities. However, the emotional aspect, which is one of the most affected among people — both front liners and patients, was often overlooked.

Two weeks ago, a fast-food chain made its move and released an ad. Jollibee, a known Filipino fast-food chain that already made its way all over the USA was renowned for annually releasing videos relevant to the latest event. But this specific ad filmed in the USA caught my attention because of the message they delivered. Entitled “Ripple Effect”, this ad showed their crew singing about joyfulness: showing and sharing them — in good and bad times, putting a smile to turn every bad day around. (Jollibee USA, 00:00- 00:30).

Jollibee Video Ads

Specifically, they encourage people to find happiness and build one through food during this harsh pandemic — and not just the food for the stomach, but the ad also quenched those who thirst for music, as they made the ad a musical one. Although they promote sharing happiness, they centered it to the word ‘joy’, as derived from their famous product, ‘chicken joy’ — so not only did they promote their advocacy, but they also promoted their food, which gets people closer together. Those pieces of joy are shareable, which can bridge people into coming collectively. Personally, as wounded as the world is, we should make an initiative for the betterment of our emotional welfare, as well as for the others, too. Lastly, this is what everyone needs at the moment; to be happy and share it, passing it on and making it contagious — hence, the ripple effect.

The pandemic isn’t over yet, and if the past year has proved anything, it’s that all the planning in the world cannot control what’s to come. It’s too soon to say what the foodservice sector will look like, how restaurants will define — and differentiate themselves — and what consumers will seek from them. But come what may, the industry will rise again with a full kaleidoscope of cuisines, styles, service models, and hospitality. It’s this variety and adaptability that, time after time, crisis after crisis, ensure the sector’s permanence. However, similar to Jollibee’s ad campaign, many of restaurant marketing will have a huge change. In a fast-changing marketing aspect, I believe that Jollibee well drew out.


