Passion, Always Passion

Flavia Noriega
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJun 13, 2022

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog once again!

In this opportunity, I will talk about my personality, my archetype, and how I see myself.

Since I was very little, I have considered myself a very curious, intuitive, engaging, and caring person who cares about others. Very empathic and sensitive too.

I highly recommend you watch this TED talk, which talks about your archetype, and primary and secondary advantages. In the end, it invites you to take the “How To Fascinate Test”. I really liked taking this test, not only because it will tell you your archetype, and your primary and secondary advantage but also because it will help you understand yourself better and the way in which you can get your maximum potential.

According to the test, my archetype is “The Catalyst”, my primary trigger is Passion, and my second trigger is Innovation, and I cannot agree more. From a very young age, I have characterized myself by creating strong and emotional connections with people. It has been easy for me to create warm and lasting relationships. I really enjoy being in contact with people, and I think that is something I apply in my work too. I can easily communicate, express my ideas, and understand my coworkers' demands, needs and feelings.

Moreover, in all the positions I have worked in, I have always been in contact with people. Me, as a marketer, I consider it very important and fundamental to be in contact with our customers, listen to them, and understand their needs to offer them the best product or service they are expecting. How can we know what our clients want if we are not in direct contact with them? We must talk to them, be near them, and listen to them, even take into consideration their expressions. Also, it’s important to be in touch with the other areas of the business. I firmly believe that when we work in team great things can be accomplished.

With passion as my primary trigger, it’s easy for me to capture widespread attention when communicating ideas. I’d like to share with you, an opportunity when I combined both, my primary and secondary triggers.

In 2020, in the early stage of the pandemic in Peru, all commercial activities were closed and most businesses found themselves in a critical situation. As Head of the Marketing and Commercial areas of Aldo & Co. I proposed to implement the first e-commerce channel ever in the company although it had never been the usual channel for jewelry. Moreover, I was entrusted to lead the project.

The size of the project and the short time available to save the business were really intimidating. Our analysis of the situation determined that basically, we would need to create and implement an online platform from scratch, change our internal promotion and sales processes, and align physical stock with sales in real time. On the side of the customer, we would have to devote our efforts to making customers feel comfortable and safe with the new purchasing process. Finally, training in all areas would be key.

The first thing I did was to create a cross-functional team (marketing, sales, IT, accounting, and multidisciplinary advisors). However, I realized nothing would work without a drastic redesign of the brand strategy, so I used my creativity and capacity to read customers to, through storytelling, create an emotional connection and identification of customers towards the brand. For instance, to show the human side of the brand, we exhibited our artisans crafting the jewels in our factory and told the story of the creation of the company by my father, emphasizing that even in times of crisis, like the pandemic, it was possible to succeed.

To bring people closer to the brand, I created and launched a contest donde social media “Design your Dream Jewel”, through which people designed their own jewels at home and then voted for participants. Then, we manufactured the winner's jewel, named it after its creator, and gave it as a gift to the winner. Finally, we developed our own delivery fleet because we noticed customers felt safer that way in relation to biosecurity and quickness of response.

As a result, we pioneered the jewelry industry with our e-commerce channel implemented in just 20 days. Furthermore, we recovered sales (70% of the previous year’s). We increased our penetration in the young adult segment by 30% while customers’ comments and massive participation in our contests kept us in the spotlight.

Personally, I boosted my leadership and project management skills and confirmed that the more humane a brand looks, the more identification it elicits. The critical situation required our quick reaction, I am glad to have responded with intrepidness by making fast decisions to adapt quickly to a new stressing scenario.

In general, I am a friendly, communicative, and supportive person easy to get along with. I consider that my primary and secondary triggers had helped me in difficult situations and have been very useful to present myself and my ideas in an engaging way. This has also made me a reliable person among friends and coworkers and has motivated me to participate in many community drives.



Flavia Noriega
Marketing in the Age of Digital

MS of Science in Integrated Marketing Candidate at NYU. Passionate about branding and new products. *FoodLover *Yoga *Storyteller