Passionfruit: what I see is the fruit, but the world sees my essence: PASSION.

Paloma Huby
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readSep 25, 2019

…Fascinating! What a great reflection of what I’m made of…what a great way to start the week…what a great year of understanding who I am…and…what a wonderful beginning of knowing what type of human I can be with the world and specially with myself.

I’m fascinated of the way I can fascinate you!

What am I talking about? So I listened carefully and watched Sally Hogshead Ted Talk and I was pretty amazed of how right she was about how people decide and react in every situation in life, whether if its related to work, love, friendship, personal issues, we all perform in different ways in order to achieve what we want or to influence other people.

Most of us don’t go through life wondering who we are reaching and if we actually want to lead others, we simply just do it. We are not thinking if our personality is something that’s is admired by our peers or not, we normally just behave every single day trying to be… JUST US.

The test:

At the beginning, I had no idea of what to expect about the “Fascination Advantage Test”, however I loved it because the questions were very easy to understand and I did it in just a few minutes so it was pretty quick! This is not like a typical test, this was actually entertaining and fun to answer.

When my results appeared, I immediately understood what they meant because Sally Hogshead in the Ted Talk explains which type of trigger, responses and archetype we have, so I think it was very important for anyone that is doing the test, to watch the video (which by the way was very funny, entertaining and very interesting).

My Reaction:

Even though I was not extremely surprised by the adjectives that describes me such as: “expressive”, “stylish” and “emotionally intelligent” (because I know I have those characteristics and attributes), I was amazed by myself with the archetype itself. About my primary and secondary advantages which are the ones that enhance my personality and are the ones that show my most effective way of communication, I though they were very accurate but I’ve never seen myself reflected in such words.

PASSION: So, my primary advantage was Passion, and I think it describes how people usually tell me how I am because my closest friends and family are constantly telling me that I inspire, I talk with energy and conviction, believing always in my values and my expression is always very intense and intuitive. I would definitely have to say that I’m proud of having this advantage because that makes me a good leader.

PRESTIGE: This advantage was my secondary and it is a result-oriented quality that I actually didn’t knew I had, I’ve always tried to be that way but I really haven’t internalized the fact that I actually was focused on effectiveness and worked with ambition. This was an advantage that I had no idea was so strong in me as a professional, and now I’m very glad that I know I show that to the world and I will continue working in myself to keep it that way.

Thinking as a marketer:

I believe that fascination should work not only as how people see us but also how we see ourselves because that would motivate us to keep growing in our primary and secondary advantages but also it will enrich and improve our dormant advantages.

Moreover, I also think that is important to discover all of our advantages and work in all of them in order to be creative and discover new paths that we may thought before we haven’t developed much, but could be eventually important in our future.

According to the test, those advantages are our description of how the world see us in the present, but I also think these results may change with time because all of us modify in certain ways our behaviors and attitude depending on every situation that we live and also depending in which stage of life we are dealing with.

Therefore, as a marketer it is very important to analyze not only our peers, subordinates and superiors’ advantages in order to know how to distribute tasks and responsibilities at work, but also to investigate and make research about our audience and targets to understand better our consumers and their lifestyles, that would make us successful as a company or as a brand, because that way the insights are more accurate and reliable.

Final thoughts:

Our main goal should be to understand what fascinates us about ourselves and what we would like to achieve as unique human beings in order to amaze others.

It is relevant to enhance those advantages but also to increase the ones that we haven’t developed much, because if we want to lead and influence the world, we first need to know how they see us and how we can be better persons and professionals, that would make a real IMPACT, SO…LET’S FASCINATE THE WORLD!



Paloma Huby
Marketing in the Age of Digital

I’m a peruvian lawyer with aspirations to keep growing as a marketer and sales professional. I'm constantly chasing for new beginnings and challenges!