Popcorners- a successful co-branding. How does it tell an impressive story?

Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 11, 2024

Brands to enhance their visibility and other popular IP co-names this way is a common way for marketers. However, inappropriate joint names sometimes not only do not play a role in the effect of 1+1 greater than 2 but will be counterproductive to the brand, so the audience will be disgusted with the brand.

Can you trust a healthy snack brand selling popped corn chips co-branded with the classic TV show Breaking Bad?

Popcorners are a crunchy, wholesome snack that has revolutionized popcorn. Made from non-GMO corn, they are air-popped, light in texture, and flavored to perfection, a guilt-free treat.

Breaking Bad is a groundbreaking television series that tells the story of Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher who, due to a terminal illness, decides to start cooking drugs and enter the drug market.

My first reaction when I heard this combination was: That’s weird.
What kind of sparks do they create?

To be honest, I have never seen the classic TV series Breaking Bad, but when I watched this ad, I not only wanted to go to the supermarket immediately to buy the popcorners in the advertisement but also wanted to open Breaking Bad to watch it. I think this is the most desired result of good advertising and good marketing.

I went to various platforms to read the comments below the relevant videos. Found that even today there are netizens still miss this advertisement, and even some netizens create videos to imitate this advertisement, which shows how successful this marketing is.

“After more than a decade apart, Mr. White and Jesse are reunited.”

“This time it’s not ‘Breaking Bad’ or ‘Breaking Lawyer,’ it’s ‘Breaking Popcorners.”

These are comments from netizens.

Super Bowl commercials are never short of big producers and big stars, but this time Popcorners has gone straight to Breaking Bad to reunite Mr. White, jesse, and Tuco for a scene and a live remake.

Mr. White produces the popcorners, and Jesse screams while tasting the delicacy and makes a popcorners deal with Tuco, the local drug lord. Every line is from Breaking Bad, a perfect replica of the scene in Breaking Bad when Mr. White and Pink produced the first batch of goods, and the original series of memes combined with popcorners are displayed again, under the subtle design, the joke is also full.

Such a clever combination breaks the audience’s cognitive routine of advertising. By tapping into Breaking Bad’s huge fan base, Popcorners have generated intense brand heat. It’s a winning combination of lighthearted, funny, and nostalgic!

On YouTube, many netizens said the “serious” acting in the AD created a sense of humor, while the actors’ makeup added a sense of familiarity.

Breaking Bag
Breaking Bag with Popcorners

Instead of using new concepts or scripts, many brands hope to recreate classic film and television scenes to awaken audiences’ memories and arouse their interest quickly.

But there are a few cases where popcorn and Breaking Bad are a perfect match. Even now, netizens on the Internet are still reposting, discussing, and even creating this advertisement. Popcroners give the audience a surprise but also leave the audience warm.

I think this is the key to Popcorners’ marketing success.

