Pretend It’s a (Marketing) Journal.

Ziyi Lyu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 6, 2021

“The most personal is the most creative.”

— — Martin Scorsese

It’s always hard to get out of the comfort zone and start something new, not mention having a marketing blog. “I am not a marketing expert; how dare I share my immature thoughts to others.” These horrible words have kept hovering in my head this week and stop me from writing this “Welcome Post”. “But why not don’t take this as a blog? Let’s pretend it’s a journal.” Yes, this idea makes it much easier for me to start.

So… Hello everyone, welcome to my (marketing) journal!

How did I get here?

I’m Ziyi (you can call me Z), the owner of this journal, a girl from Beijing, China, who haven’t been away from her home town in the first 24 years of her life. But now I’m in Shanghai, pursuing a master’s degree in the Integrated Marketing program of New York University, and planning to study in NYC this fall.

Advertising is the start point for me in the marketing world. It may sound insane that the reason to pursue the advertising major for my undergraduate study just because a super cool character I love from one movie was an AD man. But fortunately, it has turned out that marketing is a well-suited career for me.

I have interned at advertising and PR agencies — Publicis, Ogilvy, and Topline- during my college years and gained fantastic experience from brainstorming initial ideas to executing final campaigns. And my interests in art and culture drove me to have my first employment as a marketing specialist at an exhibition company, which instilled my creative ideas in promoting Paul Smith and NBA exhibitions.

Although all these experiences were exciting and worthwhile, I’ve lost myself in the bustle and hustle of daily life as well as this fast-changing marketing world. I couldn’t tell where I am going. This confusion drives me back to school to retrieve the foundation of marketing, find my path to a future career, and now start this journal to note this journey.

What would you get from here?

Similar to Martin Scorsese’s quote, “The most personal is the most creative,” I believe my viewpoint is the unique value I could provide to the world. Hence, in this journal, I will be the camera person like in my photos and take you to look at this marketing world from my perspective (and maybe this is the main reason I call it a “journal”).

As I have mentioned in the intro, it’s ashamed to share my humble thoughts with you. So I’ve decided to try my best “thinking” in every post and provide you with valuable insights. I could foretell this would be painful for me but worthy.

Excellent, it’s more than a journal!

I am so glad this is actually not a journal but a blog, which means we could interchange ideas with each other! Please feel free to follow this blog, comment and even challenge my thoughts! It’s invaluable to have discussions with different views to think from another perspective and further think!

Wow, I can’t wait to start writing this journal😉!



Ziyi Lyu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU Integrated Marketing Student | Interested in Art, Culture & Entertainment