Reaching New Heights with Collaborations

Tim Yu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readFeb 4, 2024

“Two Worlds, One Word.”

The luxury watch brand AP just announced a new collaboration with luxury dressmaker Tamara Ralph.

Image from Audemars Piguet
Image from Audemars Piguet

This new collaboration is pulling two brands from different worlds together, where one is in fine watchmaking, and the other is in dressmaking.

AP is short for Audemars Piguet, a Swiss watch manufacturing brand that started in the valley of Joux back in 1875. The brand is best known for its innovative self-winding movements and timeless watch designs.

Tamara Ralph is an Australian Fashion designer who specializes in haute couture, or so-called luxury dressmaking. She started her own name brand, Tamara Ralph, putting out extraordinary pieces of fashion accessories and clothing.

AP X Tamara Ralph

“To break the rules, you must first master them.” Audemars Piguet Slogan

As marketers, oftentimes, it is crucial to break through the current thinking process and establish new sharable content, establish new connections, and carve new paths to reach new audiences.

To capture the opportunity, here are my personal opinions on shaping good digital content with the example from the collaboration.

Reachability, Consistency, and Relatability.

Reaching & Tapping into New Worlds

As a watch enthusiast myself, I pay attention to the new updates and releases that these watch brands are putting out, but I need to learn about fashion clothing as I am not exposed to the particular content.

I didn’t know how great of a dress designer Tamara is until now!

Image from Fashion Network

Because I am not in the realm of dressmaking and women’s fashion design, I would have little to no chance to interact and cross paths with Tamara Ralph. When brands collaborate, it’s like opening a tunnel that shares exposure, awareness, and content both ways, allowing people to explore a different world that they would have never seen.

It gently introduces people to unfamiliar brands through the lenses of the familiar ones.

Consistency in Identity & Message

Every brand has its own identity and personality. When publishing content, being consistent with that message is crucial to the success of an organization. “Studies show that almost 65% of a company's business is from repeat customers, and 67% of customers say they will only purchase from a brand if they trust.”

It is easy to say but hard to achieve.

Given that it is challenging to stay consistent within the brand, it is even more difficult to partner with brands that share similar or the same identities. This is where this collaboration shines.

The phrase “Two Worlds, One Word” is the best way to describe the collaboration; although they are in different industries, their backgrounds and goals are aligned.


A boldly feminine Royal Oak Concept

An exploration of limitless excellence. Craftsmanship and design stemming from the heart of couture.” Tamara Ralph

If you look at the content from this collaboration over the years, the focus still revolves around empowering people and the craftsmanship within the products of the brands.

The key here is collaborating with brands that have similar values, personalities, and identities.

It helps steer the discussion around this topic; it helps audiences resonate with their values and identities. Elevating both brand’s overall value perception.

Resonating & Delivering the Messages

When thinking about which content can relate to the audience the best, whether it is a poster, blog, video, or billboard, it has to fit your brand image with the respected channels and styles because these are factors that influence how the audiences value your brand.

To cut corners, could they slap an image of the new watch with Tamara behind, run it on socials, and call it a day?

No, it doesn’t work that way.

Brands must ensure that the messages & stories are relatable to the audiences, building interactive relationships with their audiences.

K-pop star “CL” on the collab

The collaboration started out with vlog-style discussion videos, with walk-throughs of her background and the values that she stands for. The use of the POV questionnaire style makes the audience feel like they are going through her fashion sets with her.

You feel like you are part of her successful journey.

You feel like you could be your story if you set your mind to it.

You feel the attitude, the personality, the identity.


In conclusion, the new collaboration content between AP and Tamara sets a good standard for an example of good sharable content. Reaching new audiences, establishing consistent identities, and focusing on content relatability, allowing both brands to benefit from the project and reach new heights with their media presence.



Tim Yu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A traveler that loves watches and architecture. ✈️ Here to share stories of my journey!