Rebuild the World with your Imagination

Thao Nguyen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readFeb 6, 2022

Have you ever invented anything in your life? No, you haven’t? Wrong answer, think again.

Did you say you don’t have the creativity to develop and change anything? Hmm, I don’t think so.

I believe in every single one of us, creativity is always there, it’s all about how you express and unleash it. After all, we are all inventors and creators.

Why? Let me explain and guide you through the world of building blocks.

Lego and the Perfect blends of Education and Entertainment

Lego released its first automatic binding bricks (which are now the famous Lego building blocks) in 1949, making the whole world awe. As a toy company, the way to play Lego is realistically simple, you put colorful building blocks together to create your products, which could be a cozy house, a giant elephant, an entire city of San Francisco, or a frightening Star Wars spaceship. What makes Lego receive such tremendous attention and love is the fact that Lego does not provide players with ready-to-play toys, but urge players to create their own creation by themselves, to experience the endless possibilities with the given resources. The human mindset is very fascinating: the more opportunity available, the more challenge the problem is, the greater joy and pleasure it will create. That’s why for Lego and its building blocks, there will always be satisfaction and excitement once a product is built.

What I love about Lego is that no matter what the result is, the process itself is full of creativity through playing and discovering, which makes it a fun experience. Through countless constructions of transportations, treehouses, medieval castles, amusement parks, etc., Lego has helped foster my creative thinking, resilience, boost my problem-solving, collaboration skills, which are all in-demand soft skills regardless of industry. I remember spending days after days, weeks after weeks playing with my Lego, trying to find new ways to complete a model or to discover new ways to create a design with my curiosity. People always say toys are for children; but for Lego, it’s more than just a toy or a piece of building blocks. It is a tool that enhances personal development through playing and imagining.

Lego and Rebuilding the World

As a 90 years old company that continuously brings joy and pleasure to its players, Lego’s mission and message have always been consistent, which is to inspire ALL builders across the world for a better tomorrow. Regardless of your gender, your ethnicity, your age, your origin, or your dream, Lego will always provide you the tools, the opportunities to experience your endless potential.

For me, the inclusivity and motivation Lego has for girls are really inspiring. Lego has always eliminated the gender norm and focused on embracing the people themselves and encouraging creativity as a whole. From the 1981 print ads, the company has embedded the message of creating, building is fun and exciting for both boys and girls through pictures representations. And in 2014, Lego released another message regarding imagination and keeping building via a video ad, targeted directly to girls that inspire them to be who they want to be and not afraid of failure. This consistency in Lego’s message and how the company tells its story is one of the important factors of how Lego becomes one of the world’s most valuable brands.

Lego’s 1981 print ads

Most recently, in 2021, to celebrate Day of the Girl, with another video ad across its media platform, Lego has once again conveyed the message of inspiring girls and eliminating any gender norm from people, proving that girls have the capacity to change the world. The content features girls from different backgrounds unleashing their creativity and potential with Lego while sharing their real-life stories achievements. This story-telling piece is very simple with smooth text and slow transition in slow, upbeat piano music, along with voice narration of the featured girls, creating an inspiring, bright tone that is full of love and caring in the video.

Lego’s “Let’s get the world ready for girls” video

What engages me about this piece of content is the fact that Lego has incorporated real-life stories from girls across the globe to further strengthen and validate their message. “From STEM to art. From inventions to music. From right here to outer space,” the diversity and inclusivity of dream and career of the girls are very inspiring. The video asked us “How do we get girls ready for the world?” and ended with “Girls have always been ready. Now it’s time for the world to get ready for them.” The video has done a great job in telling a story of how girls have always been ready, how they will use their talents and creativity to rebuild the world and achieve their dream, with a little boost from Lego. Due to its realistic and inspiring real-world stories, the piece of content is very shareable and can act as a tool to encourage other girls. I believe this is a great example of successful brand storytelling, that tells stories in the most motivating way that engages its audience.

Will you Rebuild the World?

Now, do you believe me when I say you and me, we are all inventors?

Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in your creativity, imagination, and how it will take all of us far in the future?

Go for it. Believe in yourself. We all believe in you. Make our world a better place.



Thao Nguyen
Marketing in the Age of Digital

An Experiential Marketer • Global Citizen, Traveling for Inspirations and Stories of the People and Culture • “You Only Live Once”