Redefining Search: How A Marketer Can Leverage AI’s Disruption of Google and Bing’s Dominance

Ziyi Ren
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 25, 2024

When you’re on the hunt for information online, where does your journey begin? With Google’s vast expanse, the bustling communities of social media, or the conversational depths of AI chatbots?

As AI develops, search engines have become more selective, Google and Microsoft’s Bing are no longer the only choices.

News from INC.

The article from discusses the impact of AI on search engine traffic and advertising. It highlights a report by Gartner, predicting a 25% drop in traditional search engine volume as AI chatbots and other virtual agents gain popularity.

As a graduate student specializing in marketing, I believe this shift is significant. Search engines like Google and Bing are major players in digital advertising, leveraging data from searches to sell ads. They deploy search engine marketing (SEM) strategies, empowering brands and companies to secure elevated positions within search engine result pages. Also, sponsored advertisements are prominently displayed at the top of search results and are manifestations of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising strategies. In the past few decades, Google and Bing have indeed occupied a dominant position in the internet search engine market, while their positions have been challenged by the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in recent years.

I am a ChatGPT user, and I’ve discovered the vast capabilities through question-and-answer sessions that range from simple information retrieval to more complex seamless text translation, data analysis, and the generation of innovative ideas. My consistent use of ChatGPT signifies a shift from traditional search engines to a more streamlined and efficient method of finding information.

Thus, AI chatbots have the potential to “steal” traffic away from search engines. It is not only for convenience but also for the ability to carry out complicated tasks directly and effectively that genuinely distinguishes them as a revolutionary tool in our daily digital interactions. AI chatbots have changed the way people live. Whether it is text, images, or data, they can be quickly recognized and provide as detailed a reply as possible based on the information we provide.

Shopify’s AI-powered Semantic Search

With changing the way users interact with search engines, AI progressively impacts product marketing so that search engine optimization may no longer be as crucial for driving website traffic. As a marketer, I am thinking…

Reassessing marketing strategies to integrate AI effectively might be necessary. This means investing in AI-driven tools for market research, content creation, or customer service to stay competitive. The integration of AI in marketing, exemplified by Shopify’s AI-powered Semantic Search, is improving search-based marketing systems to understands customer intent.

Certainly, marketers should adapt to the emerging AI chatbots and virtual assistants in alternative platforms and channels, catering to conversational queries and long-tail keywords likely to be used in AI-driven searches. The personalization capabilities of AI can be seen as an opportunity for us to create more engaging and customized content.

Moreover, just like partnering with traditional engine companies, establishing strategic partnerships with AI developers is prudent. This cooperation can ensure that our brands and companies remain at the forefront of search marketing within the realm of AI applications.

Overall, the emergence of AI in search and digital interaction represents a pivotal shift in how information is sought and consumed. For marketers, the challenge and opportunity lie in harmonizing the strengths of AI-driven platforms with traditional search engines. Although traditional search engine companies like Google have responded with innovations like the Search Generative Experience (SGE), the evolution of AI continues to disrupt the status. This disruption not only redefines the landscape of search but also compels marketers to rethink strategies, ensuring they leverage the full spectrum of digital discovery tools.



Ziyi Ren
Marketing in the Age of Digital

*Fashion & Marketing* Master's Degree: Integrated Marketing in NYU & Bachelor's Degree: Fashion Merchandising in UD