Rediscovering GNC: A Powerful Experience

Yuchen Guo
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJul 31, 2023

Is there still anyone who doesn’t know the famous American health supplement brand GNC?


GNC: Conflicted Feelings

Recently, I conducted an in-depth research on various health products. Most of the products on the market are designed with the female user in mind, with packaging that is either cute or minimalist, as in the case of the brands Swisse and Lemme, which I featured in my blog post a couple of weeks ago, and although they also have lines aimed at males, they convey a feeling of seeming to be a small gift for women to buy for their male partners, family members or friends.

At first, I was resistant to the GNC brand, as I said at the beginning. After all, who doesn’t know about GNC? Of the many international students I know, their families often request to bring back some health supplements when they first come to the US to study. And GNC became the most convenient option because of its shops all over the place and friendly online purchasing options. However, I gradually felt that GNC lacked some freshness, or at least bored me.

Feverish Web Design

When I opened the GNC login screen, I was immediately drawn to the C4 Ultimate Energy x WWE co-op promotional advert. The sense of wilderness and power that comes with this first product collaboration fills the entire webpage and is truly stunning, making me almost resist the urge to wow.

My recollection of WWE is that when I was in high school the boys really enjoyed watching WWE’s competitive wrestling matches, and there were always classmates mimicking the ouch, ouch chants and classic moves from the matches in between classes. it’s really very smart of GNC’s marketing people to choose to partner with WWE.

“WWE fans have always been a huge crossover audience for C4, and we are pumped to step into the ring with WWE for our first ever co-branded product collaboration.”

said Robert Zajac.

The overall page design is full of hormonal glamour that entices the target user to place an order. It’s like the boys who imitated wrestling moves back in the day, making people fantasise. Can’t help but wonder if drinking nitrogen pumps will really turn you into a muscle man? Hahaha, let’s wait and see.

Showing the hot-blooded qualities in their web design, they managed to attract potential customers like me who were otherwise resistant to them. Such is the power of user experience that through appealing design and the right partners, GNC has managed to convey a brand image that is full of power, enticing users to explore deeper and buy the product. In this exciting atmosphere, my attitude towards GNC changed and I began to look forward to finding surprising ways to be healthy in their products.

Mobile devices

In my research, I found that the nutraceutical category doesn’t flood the market with the same kind of marketing as alcohol, sports and cosmetics. Many nutraceutical brands do not have their own independently run mobile apps, choosing instead to sell through third-party platforms. However, GNC’s mobile app is an impressive example of user experience.

In keeping with its official website, GNC’s mobile app features a clean and intuitive interface design that allows users to quickly find the features and information they need. Both the navigation and layout are clear and make the user feel at ease during the process. As a consumer, my satisfaction with GNC’s careful design and user experience on mobile devices also makes me more likely to choose their products.


A brand to be proud of

Overall, through these great user experience designs, GNC has successfully achieved its business goals and attracted a large number of users to become its loyal fans. Whether on desktop or mobile devices, GNC brings an empowering shopping and wellness experience that makes users feel cared for and valued, adding warmth to their healthy lives.GNC’s user experience is commendable and is one of the key factors that have kept them afloat in a highly competitive market.

