Samsung is in Your Life

yk tian
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJun 6, 2021

In terms of storytelling, this video is very good. The women in the video are using Samsung’s products from the time they wake up in the morning until night. Starting from the details of the products, the advantages of the products can be reflected through the details in daily life and users can be persuaded to buy Samsung products.

Every day, people form impressions of brands through touchpoints such as advertisements, news reports, conversations with family and friends, and product experiences. The integrity of the Samsung AD tells a story that fully demonstrates the brand’s strengths. Attracting consumers to shop actively through the establishment of brand advantages. By showing the details of how Samsung products are used in real life, such as in a company video conference in the morning, it shows a great realistic picture. Samsung uses these details to trigger consumers’ buying impulses. Those accumulated impressions then become crucial. These details of Samsung’s products made me pay attention to Samsung’s products. I usually only focus on Apple products, but my impression of Samsung is starting to change. Samsung products are starting to appear on my wish list of products I buy.

Samsung is telling me the story by telling me that Samsung’s OLED is so good that you should buy it. The story fits Samsung’s philosophy in the new business era. At the beginning of Samsung’s “new business” era. The “new venture” is not just a redesign of Samsung’s business structure. It is a campaign to make the world’s products and satisfy all its customers. It plays an important role in the life of consumers, providing consumers with excellent products, products throughout the daily life of consumers.

It plays an important role in the life of consumers, providing consumers with excellent products, products throughout the daily life of consumers. I think this AD plays an important role in the initial consideration of the consumer’s decision-making process. This is the kind of information that we, as salespeople, should have. For story integrity, we should learn from this mode of presentation. With the ever-changing consumption concepts and habits of consumers, sales personnel have less and less contact with consumers. In the initial consideration stage of consumers, the advantages of the presented products become an irreplaceable link. So I shared this story.

