Sans Wine Co.’s loyal customers are always the keys to success in “Interactive content”

Hannah Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readMay 1, 2023

“Digital Marketing cannot be lack of interactive content!”

This is what I am thinking if I am a digital marketing manager, content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. And, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Sans Wine Co. Instagram page

Interactive content is more important in loyal customer marketing because it helps businesses to build deeper and more meaningful relationships with their existing customers. By consistently producing interactive valuable content, businesses can engage customers and prospects in a two-way dialogue that creates an immersive and engaging experience.

This is a short introduction to express how important “Interactive Content” I think in digital marketing. The reason I mention this is because Sans Wine Co. did a fantastic job in this, they have updated Instagram stories to interact with followers daily. I can see lots of reposts from their customers who posted fun experiences after choosing Sans Wine Co. Which also established the credibility of this company, more loyal customers they have, more positive reviews, and more purchases!

This is the repost 200 weeks ago, but they still keep doing the same thing right now, with a high frequency of interacting with customers. I did not get the most recent screenshots, but I keep following and watching their stories every day. The reposting way works a lot in intriguing new and existing customers to have a direct response from Sans Wine Co.

Any constant things will gain the respect of audiences, so Sans Wine Co. receives lots of affection from new, existing, and future customers. They keep updating information on the Instagram page and post stories of customers. Audiences only increase, and no decrease in their sincerity in interacting with loyal customers.

From this, I learned that no matter what kind of industry you are in, interactive content is always useful for increasing loyal customers, always useful for increasing brand awareness, and always can increase sales. Therefore, as a marketer, we should maintain positive interaction and communication with customers, and natural promotion is particularly effective in this process.



Hannah Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Marketing with Digital emphasis in University of Georgia - Marketing in Data Analysis in NYU - Lots of marketing, music, food, self-discipline, and better self