Scrolling the New Age Scroll: How People Redefine News and Entertainment Consumption

Enchong Xie
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readFeb 25, 2024

Picture this: you’re sipping your morning coffee, scrolling through your phone, and reading today’s headlines, trending topics, and even deep-dives into current events, all nestled between the reels and snapshots of your Instagram and TikTok feeds. The new ways of reading the morning papers have taken you to a place where you can explore the whole world. Now, let’s talk about the dynamic tapestry of TikTok, where snippets of global narratives unfold in just seconds and creators turn into curators of the new news cycle.

Picture of Someone with Coffee on the Hand

Is it only about TikTok?

TikTok came out in the year of 2016 and was originally focused on the lip-synching craze, offering thousands of songs to which users could make entertaining lip-synching and dance videos. However, after the pandemic, the shift of TikTok has changed. When I looked at the news in the early morning, I found that as TikTok’s influence expanded during the pandemic, its evolution took an unexpected turn, morphing into a powerful search engine for the digital age. This shift was not just about users seeking entertainment, it was about finding answers, learning new skills, and staying informed. TikTok with its vast and varied content, began to fulfill these needs in a way traditional search engines could not.

Original Use of TikTok

Really? I can search things on TikTok Like Anything!

TikTok changed the way people search for things online including myself. For me, I’m a person that does not like to spend time reading the news and articles. I just can’t concentrate on it! Most of the time I prefer to watch short videos online to know the current news and events. I mean TikTok has made my life easier and saved me time reading all the news articles. It isn’t just my reality, it has become the norm! According to the articles in DesertNews, More than half of Gen Z adults prefer to use TikTok as their search engine, and nearly 1 in 10 Gen Zers are more likely to rely on TikTok than Google as a search engine. Moreover, within the data said in Insider Intelligence 49% of millennials like to use TikTok to search for information since the app is extremely popular among younger generations. This seismic shift in the landscape of information is a clear signal that TikTok is not more than just an entertainment hub, it’s a digital nexus that connects us to the whole world. (One quick question: are you using TikTok as your search engine?)

Number of Generation Z users in the United States on selected social media platforms from 2020 to 2025 (Statista)

All Brands Should Come and Take A Sip From TikTok

If the brands want to make their brand stand out from the crowd, then come to TikTok! According to the articles in Social Media Marketing, Brands are flocking to TikTok, armed with SEO tactics as their tools of choice. On this platform, SEO extends beyond Google searches. It encompasses the strategic use of keywords, hashtags, and content optimization, all designed to enhance the visibility of their videos within TikTok’s community. I think brands using TikTok as their platform can increase the likelihood of customers interacting with the brand. As a consumer, I often turn to TikTok as a search engine. It’s my go-to source for the latest fashion trends, beauty brand buzz, and up-to-the-minute news. But it’s not just about consuming content; TikTok is where I actively connect with the brands I love. Whether leaving comments under videos or sharing my take on the latest brand developments, TikTok offers a space where my voice, alongside others, can contribute to the conversation around our favorite brands. For me, part of the allure is reading what other customers think, making the platform not just a tool for discovery, but a community for shared experiences. Therefore, embracing TikTok is more than just a tactical move; it’s a strategic imperative in today’s digital landscape.

(By the way, Do you like to leave comments under the videos? Or how much time do you spend your time on scrolling the videos on TikTok?)

Example of Brands Interact With Customers

Hope you enjoy reading my blog this week, see you in the next one!

