Sentiments of A Wise Owl!

Mehtab Kaur Virk
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 27, 2020

The How To Fascinate personality test by Sally Hogshead, stood true to its name and did not fail to amuse and captivate. Sally Hogshead is an award-winning marketer and author who discovered and designed an assessment to use one’s personality traits to impress and influence others.

The Assessment Experience

With just 28 questions, the How To Fascinate assessment identifies certain personality attributes that will work to the individual’s advantage when they communicate via those traits. It unveils how the world sees you, and how to leverage your strengths to succeed in your professional life. The test discloses your Archetype — Fascination Advantages, Dormant Advantage, Speciality Objectives, and guides test takers to create their personalized Anthem Tagline. Some of the Archetype personalities include The Aggressor, The Provocateur, The Good Citizen.

Different Traits make us Strong in Different Ways
Different Traits Make Us Strong in Different Ways

Drum Roll for The Result

Personally, I was reassured to get the result of The Wise Owl. All the adjectives used to describe that archetype were traits I was subconsciously aware of but never actively used them in my communication style. The Wise Owl personality encompasses elements of assurance, being observant, logical, and unruffled amidst the chaos. Mystique and Trust are the most effective styles of communicating for this archetype. They come across as more influential and accomplished when they interact with their peers using their “fascinate superpowers” i.e., trust and mystique. The Wise Owl radiates a dependable personality and brings calm to stressful situations. Additionally, using power with people is an exercise in futility. A show of power is unnatural for this personality type and will impede success.

Rise of The Wise!

I have always steered clear from unnecessary confrontation and am satisfied with playing the beta. Rightly said by the assessment, I do not enjoy wielding power in professional or personal relationships. I maintain the peace of the group with active listening and calmly diffusing heated scenarios. I am very detail-oriented in my approach to work and like to be prepared for meetings and interactions. This sort of discipline can be attributed to 8 years of schooling at a boarding school along with being the daughter of an Army General. From the age of 10, I have lived away from my parents, in different cities eventually moving to a country 7,000 miles away from home at 21. This experience has led me to be more independent and understanding of other people's opinions while holding on to my own. I like to be known for loyalty and trustworthiness to get the job done. The assessment gives a very accurate representation of my personality — Agreeable, Dependable, and Considerate — and also discloses the weak points. However, I have never described myself as wise. In my mind, a wise person is someone who is able to exercise good judgment in a timely manner even with limited knowledge of the final outcome. I never put myself in that category. Interestingly, the results also disclosed that wise owls DO NOT like self-marketing and highlight their accomplishments. So, me not considering myself WISE was the BIGGEST WISE OWL characteristic of all!

Permanently Learning

The How To Fascinate analysis was a testament to how we continue to learn about ourselves. Certain personality traits are easily recognizable, whereas others operate at a high level but cannot be easily identified even by the person themselves. Different experiences and situations in our lives bring out undiscovered features of our personality. Emotional Intelligence is key since life is an inherently social construct. Without self-awareness, rational decision making, and relationship management, a leader cannot guide its troops to success. We should learn to embrace our qualities and utilize them to reach greatness in this world.

