Setting Sail in the Digital Sea|My Blogging Journey Begins

Xiangning Chen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJan 28, 2024

Hello and welcome to my brand-new adventure in the world of blogging! This is not just the beginning of a blog, but the start of a journey. While I’m not new to the vibrant world of digital marketing, translating my experiences and insights into a blog format is an exhilarating leap into the unknown. The first step is always the hardest, but I believe starting this very first blog will set the sail and I look forward to a blend of enthusiasm, practical marketing insights, and a wonderful blogging experience!

Little things about me

I’m Xiangning, currently pursuing my graduate studies in marketing at New York University. Crossing continents from Shanghai to land in New York, I came with clear goals: to absorb substantial knowledge in the field of marketing, to lay the groundwork for a successful professional career, and to broaden my horizons by immersing myself in a diversity of cultures and experiences.

For most of the time I am very easy-going, warm, and friendly type of person. Friends are important life aspect to me and I am very glad to say that I have accompanied many friends through their memorable life moments. When it comes to pursuing clear-cut goals, my dedication is unwavering, and I immerse myself fully in achieving them. On a personal note, I am an Aquarius. I have taken MBTI test multiple times and I have been INTJ for almost 5 yrs until I arrived at NY and suddenly became ENTJ.

Me in Shanghai with my beloved camera ;)

My love for travel has taken me to breathtaking places with wonderful and unique stories. Through lens, I capture cities, nature, and people. I print photos and keep the digital copy, believing this would froze the time and better store memories and stories.

Chasing aurora in Alaska, U.S.
The galaxy in Hohhot, China

Music is another passion of mine. The strumming of my ukulele and the rhythm of the drums are allow me to relax and enjoy this beautiful world and life. They are my hobbies and also my way to communicate emotions beyond words, to mange a work life balance.


As I set sail on this digital voyage, blogging feels like a natural extension.


Storytelling is the key, and through my blog, I aim to tell not just my story, but also blend in insights and knowledge of what I observed and learned about digital marketing. Maybe it’s going to be about marketing tips, reflections on industry news, and insights about how digital marketing create the connection between products/services and customers in this globalizing digitalizing world.

I invite and welcome you to my blog— where every click and every post is a step towards mastering the art of digital marketing. Join my journey and let’s make it insightful and unforgettable! 💻🚀🌟



Xiangning Chen
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Digital Marketing | Content Creator | Explorer | Grad Student@NYU Integrated Marketing