Shop your furniture like you never have before — Virtually visit BluDot

Pawita Kasemsan N.
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readApr 22, 2022

Hate sticking in the traffics? Looking for parking and walking through the too hot, too cold, too windy weather to look for a new chair? — Well, you don’t have to now

It really surprised me how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world, well… in a good way (except for the bad things that happened)

Innovation and technology advanced so quickly that it’s overwhelming to catch up. AI, AR, machine learning, Bitcoin, Blockchain, NFTs, and our hot of the topic Metaverse. All these amazing things happening so fast and affecting most of our behaviors without us even noticing it.

People can now work virtually, together while they’re miles and miles apart, with this technology called VR or Virtual Reality.

But hold on, if you’re not into stressful working related content this is totally the right place for you. Because our blog today is about how can we now virtually shop our furniture right from our sofa — tempting isn’t it?

Virtual Store Tour by Location — BluDot

The Virtual Stores

Getting a little bored of visiting the same familiar store?

Wherever you are, it is now not a problem to visit a BluDot store anywhere in an instance — virtually of course

However, that doesn’t mean that the experience will be less the satisfaction, you can enjoy the surprisingly real feeling of seeing the furniture exactly the way it is shown in the store. With the easy-to-navigate VR feature that guides you floor by floor as if you are walking there yourself — without hurting your cute little feet

The Virtual Measuring Tape

That’s right, don’t worry about your new bed doesn’t fit the space — BluDot got you there

One of the tools I found interesting and useful is the Measurement Mode, which came with a precise inch-by-inch sizing of whatever you want to measure in the store. The magnifying function was just what I wanted to see and it did a perfect job I would say.

Measurement Mode in Virtual Store Tour — BluDot

Not Virtual but Close Enough

I’m talking about the digital form of once were printed physical items like this digital catalog and the ‘how to’ instruction manual.

Offers customers the seamless feeling of browsing through the pages of a paper magazine, but with ultra HD quality photos and the ability to see the detail of the product right away — don’t think I’m the only person who loves this

Digital Catalog — BluDot

Other than that BluDot went over and beyond the Virtual Reality to the Augmented Reality (AR) where you can use your phone camera to see what the furniture will look like in your real home. Matching the size and color before you decided which is the one you’re looking for — no worrying or hesitating no more.

My Thoughts

By bringing the VR and AR into the brand, BluDot really achieved its goal of reaching customers during the pandemic and removing the difficulty of commuting to the physical stores. Customers can shop 24/7 as many times as they want, especially when BluDot has already provided the tools and information needed on their website.

I think VR is not a short trend that will come and go, but it’s here to stay and integrated into different parts of our lives. Maybe now it’s just for shopping and occasionally working but in the future, I’m sure there will be a day where we can do everything without having to step out of our home.

However, the freedom to choose is ours. I still prefer the real people, the real world, and the feelings that I get from every day I get outside in the sun.



Pawita Kasemsan N.
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Explorer • Digital Marketing • NYU Grad Student • Inspiration Seeker • Balance Lifestyle • Foodie