Should Brands Care About The Death of George Floyd?

Xiaoyu Yao
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 14, 2020

2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year, and we are only halfway there. In the past six months, many things have happened, such as the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), stock meltdown, Donald Trump Impeachment, global climate change, George Floyd’s death, and so on. These things are global news and are being followed and discussed hotly. During this period, some companies have expressed their positions and attitudes towards these incidents, and others have chosen to remain silent. Therefore, when a Breaking News happens, the brand should respond immediately, Or do they need to wait and observe the situation? Today we will discuss the brand’s reaction to the death of George Floyd in real-time.

The death of George Floyd caused fierce national debate about race, unequal treatment in law, brutality by the police, and subsequent issues. Since the incident, major media have scrambled to report, and many brands have also voiced their opinions. Johnson & Johnson is one of them, on June 10th, Johnson & Johnson Band-Aid official Instagram posted: “We hear you. We see you. We’re listening to you. We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, collaborators, and community in the fight against racism, violence, and injustice. We are committed to taking actions to create tangible change for the Black community”; they claim to support the black community and will launch bandages for varying skin tones; However, the audience does not seem to accept it. Because of Band-Aid was trying to launch a multi-skin product line in 2005, the product was discontinued due to lack of interest. Some people think that Band-Aid’s move is just for money, and some people hold different opinions and they think that It’s great to see Band-Aid stand out to support the black community.

My personal opinion is that they did a great job. First of all, at this particular moment, Band-Aid chooses to stand up and speak for the black community. It’s something to be respected and happy about. Secondly, the multi-color bandages they launched can reflect the brand’s inclusiveness and diversification. From a long-term perspective, the Band-Aid initiative can not only expand the market, show the brand’s inclusiveness, but also get today’s consumers greater loyalty. This allows brands to gain prestige and fortune at the same time. In addition, as one of the most popular social platforms now, Instagram can spread information more quickly and effectively, and it is smart for the company to choose it to issue this statement. Moreover, the five-color bandage pictures that Band-Aid published with the brand logo will not make people feel too deliberate, also can clearly express the message they want to convey. I think this is very clever and effective.

In the end, I want to say that no matter where we come from or what race we are, we all need to be kind to each other and create a harmonious community together. #BlackLivesMatter



Xiaoyu Yao
Marketing in the Age of Digital

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