So, this is how the world sees me!

Arlene Yeghiayan
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 13, 2022

Often times, I find myself wondering about others view me and describe me as. I know, it’s best to not worry about what others think about me, but sometimes I can’t help it! Do they find value in my opinions and ideas? Do they learn something new from me each time we hang out? More importantly, how do I view myself? Well, a quick way to find out is through a fascinate self-test!!

What is my archetype?

After taking the self-test, I stumbled across some interesting information. The results show that my archetype is a combination of my primary and secondary advantages, which are Innovation and Mystique. The three adjectives that describe how the world see me are: Clever, Adept and Contemporary. After finding these results, I find myself thinking, wow, that’s a little scary! I have to admit, the results are accurate and even a bit reassuring. Many of the compliments I’ve received are related to my innovation and my ability to think outside the box. It just happens to be that that’s my primary advantage!

What are my primary and secondary triggers?

My primary tigger is INNOVATION, and honestly, I couldn’t agree more! From a young age, I’ve always thought outside the box and considered new ideas that have never been considered before. I usually find myself suggested new ideas in a work and class setting. Unique and new ideas excite me and I find myself putting together my best work around innovative ideas. The world sees my ideas as very attention getting and I would have to agree! When I was pursuing my undergraduate career, I was on board for several clubs and organization. Although each organization was different I found myself coming up with new and unique ideas that were implemented in each organization.

My secondary trigger is MYSTIQUE, and I would take this as a compliment! I find myself being welcoming to everyone, even if we just met. Although I am welcoming, I try not to reveal too much about myself until I form a strong connection with the other person. I find myself thinking about what to say and what I want to share, and this is a great quality to have to make sure what I’m sharing is reliable.

Does it feel true to me?

These results feel true to me, along with reassuring. Based on previous tests I’ve taken and compliments I’ve received, the results are very accurate. Although we all have qualities we want to work on, it is important to acknowledge what qualities we are proud of. I am confident in my innovation and mystique, and I believe these qualities make me unique.

How can I use this information in my career and building my personal brand?

I can use this information in my career and building my personal brand, through my unique ideas that others may not think of. I can continue to stay innovative in my career, by suggesting new ideas and brainstorming new business plans. In regards to my personal brand, I believe my unique ideas will attract the attention from others and keep them engaged. I can continue to “change the rules on how I do business” and continue being my unique, authentic self.

