So, Your Head Is Spinning About Digital Strategy? Here Are 5 Things to Remember

Jackie Korey
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readAug 9, 2020

Prior to taking this class, I will admit I thought I knew a good deal about digital strategy. Thanks to meetings with the digital team at my company twice a month, I felt pretty well-versed on topics like social media, emails, website, and paid advertising. Boy, did I have a lot to learn. And that I did [thanks Professor]!

Digital strategy is much more than having a good social campaign or sending out emails that don’t annoy your consumers. It’s more than just banner ads at the top of your homepage! Yes, digital strategy is about those things, but also things like big data, SEO optimization, website responsiveness, and mobile optimization. Everything in a digital marketing strategy is interconnected and comprised of many parts. In fact, I realized I had a lot to learn on the first day of class, when Professor Tombrakos showed us this image:

The Digital Marketing Map

You should have seen my face when I saw this! The above encompasses everything that is important when you are creating a digital marketing strategy. Let’s all say it together: it’s a lot. More complex than the NYC subway, right? But what are the most important? If I had 3 minutes to pitch you as a client, how would I convince you that you needed to create a digital strategy and what that would encompass?

Well, in my [not an expert- YET!] opinion, here are what I consider the most important parts of a digital strategy:

Again, there are a lot of elements of a digital marketing strategy. But these, I think, are the 5 basic, most important aspects that any digital strategy needs to hit. So next time your head is spinning about where to start, remember to start here: with content, SEO, social, email and UX.

Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know in the comments- I am curious about what you think!



Jackie Korey
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Beauty Marketer — Integrated Marketing Masters student at NYU — Blogger — Dog Lover and Runner