Social Media Platforms Emulating TikTok

Jarisa Mora
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 27, 2022

No one would’ve thought that TikTok would blow up the way that it has. It’s become one of the most popular apps in the world, and has become a benchmark amongst social media applications.

TikTok’s Rise

Before quarantine, I had heard of TikTok but never really paid attention to it, as it was mostly being used to make lip syncing or dancing videos, which don’t really appeal to me. But then the pandemic hit, and we all needed a distraction from the harsh reality we were living in, which is when TikTok blew up.

Creators went on there and made all kinds of content. People put up videos about cooking, fashion, makeup, politics, and so much more. You can find virtually anything on there, which is why so many of us got hooked so quickly. The content, coupled with the fantastic algorithm, caused TikTok to skyrocket, and is now just as popular as Instagram and Facebook, especially amongst Gen Z.

TikTok’s Influence

When something is very successful, it starts to set trends, which is exactly what’s happening with TikTok. Instagram in particular has started to add features that emulate TikTok, particularly with their Reels section. Scrolling through that section of Instagram feels like scrolling down TikTok, as the form and content of the videos is almost exactly the same. Many creators use them interchangeably, posting the same video on both platforms, which makes them even more similar for users who use both.

Earlier this month, Instagram launched an updated version of the app which now shows content in a full-screen format on the main feed, as shown in the image above. Reels and videos now expand and fit the whole phone screen, and you can scroll down to the next piece of content as you would on TikTok. Eventually, still images and stories will do the same, with Instagram essentially becoming TikTok with images.

My Take

To me, it’s too much. I understand that when something is successful, others will copy it, but this is a bit much. TikTok is its own app, and it’s popular for its own reasons. People like TikTok because it’s TikTok, and Instagram becoming another version of TikTok doesn’t make sense to me.

Instagram has changed so much since it’s inception, that it’s barely useable. It’s lost its fun feeling and has become all about making money. It was an app that brought us closer together, letting us keep tabs on friends and post our fun pictures, but now, it’s flooded with advertising and random, suggested videos. The algorithm has changed so much that you can barely see the content posted by the people you follow.

Instead of copying TikTok and trying to take over its place, Instagram needs to focus on becoming better for the user, which is why so many of us love TikTok. While it’s a business and many use it as such, it still allows us to enjoy the content that’s put up and to engage with it. We use different apps for different things, so if all social media apps start to look exactly the same, there’ll be no point in using them. I understand they’re doing this for business reasons, but they may end up pushing away the users that have been fans of what Instagram used to be.



Jarisa Mora
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU grad student studying Integrated Marketing. Passionate about intersectionality, communication, and all things New York.