Someone Is Watching Behind U

Ruixue Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readNov 6, 2021

The relevance of privacy regulations has increased significantly in the 21st century, and companies are working round the clock to enhance them. Google and Apple represent Giant tech companies that are at the forefront of improving their privacy regulations for various purposes. However, the marketing world will be adversely affected by the privacy regulations which are likely to be implemented by multiple companies. Without such restrictions, marketers can track their users and their messages, thus creating a solid bond between them and the customers. Most importantly, monitoring users and personalizing the messages plays a critical role in ensuring the marketing world is more robust than ever. Therefore, digital marketers and users are likely to be affected in various ways by such measures on privacy regulations.

Although digital marketing is quickly dominating the marketing world, it has come with its share of advantages and disadvantages. One of the main benefits is that digital marketers are likely to increase their revenues. Amazon is expected to be one of the top beneficiaries of digital marketing, and its revenue growth is expected to skyrocket in a short time. However, their ad growth poses more direct competition to other giant tech companies like Google and digital duopoly. For instance, their U.S. ad business is estimated to grow by approximately 50%, which grabs 8.8% of the digital advertisement market. Furthermore, digital marketers are likely to experience growth due to consumer-boosted behaviors in the 21st century. Consumer behaviors have shifted rapidly in the digital marketing age, and more shoppers have commenced their purchasing journeys on companies with the most significant market shares, such as Amazon.

Furthermore, digital marketers have a chance to monetize not only their good taste but also consumer choices. Monetization is much possible in lifestyle blogging, whereby it’s nearly impossible for laypeople to determine if influencers love the products they are endorsing. Furthermore, monetization goes a long way in boosting the revenues of a company. However, lifestyle blogging has a disadvantage to the users or consumers because they cannot explain if a product is genuine or not.

However, increasing business growth and revenues does not come without challenges. Eliminating tracking will go a long way in impelling these companies to increase their budgets. Before the privacy regulations were introduced, the process of marketing through the track was quite easy. However, the introduction of such processes has complicated the tracking process, prompting companies to incur extra budgets to accomplish their goals. Furthermore, the users are likely to be affected by clouting which is mainly propagated by people using fake ads. Such advertisers use such fake adverts and expect to get paid when they post the real ads. Although such ads work to the advantage of the marketing companies, the users are the most affected.

In conclusion, more privacy regulations are likely to be passed each day as the digital marketing world keeps on evolving. Although such regulations are deemed vital in the 21st century, there are both positive and negative aspects to a marketer and a user. I believe digital marketers are likely to benefit more than users due to increased revenue growth and lifestyle blogging which enables them to monetize different products. On the other hand, marketing budgets are likely to increase in the future, and users might be affected by the marketers’ clouting.

