Spice Girl Millennials aren’t new to Blogging…

Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readSep 19, 2021
The Spice Girls, 5 women, holding cans of Pepsi.

As a Spice Girl Millennial, I was young enough to remember getting my first big Gateway computer, taking typing lessons, and playing solitaire. After that Live Journal, Xanga, Blogger, Myspace, Tumblr, and WordPress among many, where we wrote our musings. Throughout my journey into adulthood my interests and confidence grew. I took to Tumblr to blog about my natural hair journey, travel, and eventually becoming a mom. It was nice to use them as a creative outlet, although I never did it with consistency that this course is asking for.

This will certainly be different as it is a part of my Digital Marketing class. I look forward to sharing my thoughts on marketing consistently with bits of humor, information, and personal insight. As an emerging marketer, I am nervous to blog on the topic. I am in no way an expert but understand that there is still a place for my voice in the world wide web.

My previous experience in direct mail, sales, and membership taught me a lot about the importance of targeting your audience and understanding the consumer. The consumer is your biggest advocate and ambassador. In this digital age, word of mouth can attempt to make or break your brand/reputation. It is how the business reacts that determines how bad it can get. No one wants to repeat the mistakes of Pepsi with their Kendall Jenner ad while the US was reckoning with the struggle for Black lives. It whittled down that and other protests where law enforcement is involved, to being solved by drinking Pepsi.

To avoid those errors in my profession, I look forward to growing as a culturally competent marketer and speaking up when such ideas are suggested and saying, “this isn’t ok, how can we do better?”

*sips Coca-Cola*

So, which was your favorite Spice Girl? For me it was always a toss-up between Sporty and Scary Spice.



Marketing in the Age of Digital

Culturally competent relationship marketer that thrives at the intersection of business, data, creative, and UX. Pursuing my MS in Integrated Marketing at NYU.