Stop being a Slave to social media

Jiazheng Geng
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJul 12, 2021

The development of the Internet has brought a social media boom in these years. From connecting with thought leaders to following the most popular actors and athletes, social media has unified the world. Although these platforms provide companies with impetus, help increase visibility, and unite the public against social injustice. But what you don’t know is that we are deceived or even violated by these “manipulators” all the time.

Is our privacy protected

Four hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, which means that Google has more video content than any other entity on the planet. It also controls the operating system on 2 billion Android devices. Facebook has a torrent of content created by its 2.1 billion monthly active users. Through its site and its apps, the company reaches 66 percent of U. S. adults. Facebook plans to spend $1 billion to purchase original content. It is the most prolific content machine in the world and dominates most mobile phones worldwide. By collecting so much demographic and behavioral data from our online activities, these platforms can create a very accurate digital model with remarkable predictive accuracy. Then, they sell these personal data, our digital twins or avatars, to advertisers on and off the platform. They do so with little clear understanding or user consent. With the increasing adoption of wearable technology, the line between the regulated healthcare sector and the unregulated consumer sports sector is blurring. Excessive use of social media will eventually lead to “naked” exposure to everyone.

Is the content we publish respected

Have the works or products we publish been treated fairly? My answer is no. For example, Google can promote its products in search, and Apple will surpass Spotify on Apple Music. I believe that all platforms are selfish. They are more willing to promote content that benefits them. In other words, if you have a partnership with the platform, you will be seen first. In addition, they claim that they do not exercise editorial control over the content. But since they can accurately locate who you are, their algorithms specifically select content for what they think you want to hear and see, based on your browsing behavior on the platform, other websites, and the geographic location information obtained from your mobile phone. Make frequent, personalized editorial decisions. Would you continue to believe that you have 100% editorial control? Even more surprising is that social media platforms connect consumers with digital content creators, usually monetizing their interactions through advertising revenue. The platform is actually sharing your creative wealth, but you can’t do anything even if you know this.

What I want to say is that we have begun to rely on social media, and it has permeated every aspect of our lives. But for these unfair treatments, please be sure to have questions about them and never choose to accept them, because this is what we deserve.



