Stop being deceived, do you really understand your charm?

Rachel Dong
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readOct 3, 2021

Do you really understand your character?

Have you ever done a personality test on the website? Have you tried using Google to search for horoscopes? You have countless doubts and curiosities about yourself, you want to control the future, and you want to minimize future losses as much as possible. Unfortunately, you fall into the Barnum effect.

Barnum effect

Why do people fall into it?

Barnum effect — — it is a common psychological phenomenon. People like to find “professionals” to help them accurately locate and describe their personality. This is a widespread phenomenon, and this effect is often regarded as a “supernatural phenomenon”, and supernatural beings endowed with supernatural abilities help people find answers. These include astrology, feng shui, and some types of personality tests.

This predictive technique actually originated from a scam. It is difficult for people to distrust superpowers because they can often give a result that seems to make sense. Their answers are often vague but personalized. For example, they say that you are a calm but enthusiastic person. It’s hard to deny this because you don’t want to admit that you are not calm enough and cold-hearted. Next, after you get this nice “personal description”, you want to hire them to predict your future, because you want to avoid risks, so you take out your credit card and buy another vague text. In fact, the source of all this is because you trust their “personalized description” of you. So you think they are professional and you are willing to trust them. However, it is precisely because you do not know yourself well enough that you are prone to fall into the Barnum effect.

How to know yourself better

Recently I discovered The Fascinate Test. Sally Hogshed created a self-character assessment based on the principles of business communication and marketing communication. She uses 28 questions to help you identify your own “triggers’’, which are the characteristics that best match your personality. The results can help you recognize your image in the eyes of others.

Its test model and results are based entirely on personal charm, which is what people around you find your most fascinating characteristics. That is how the world sees you. I highly recommend this test to everyone.

What kind of “fascinated” am I, and me: “Wow”

Before the test, my definition of myself was passion and trust, but the result surprised me because it was very similar to my friend’s definition of me.

My triggers —

My first trigger is innovation, and my second trigger is alert. This is not the same as my self-perception. I think I am a confident and passionate person. I also think my charm comes from my enthusiasm, because I have many friends and I like to help them. In fact, it is precisely because of my strong creativity that my friends like to ask for my opinion in some emergency events. However, it is easy for me to take care of the details of the incident, so I can have more insight when I make a feasible plan. This is also in line with my second trigger-alert. This is something I didn’t think of before the test. When the results came out, I was completely surprised because I thought it described it very appropriately. And when I started to recall what my friends said about me, they also said similar things.

I think this result is very accurate because…

My friends occasionally scold me for my shortcomings. They don’t like me to pursue the details too much and ignore the whole. They also hate that I occasionally give up more conventional and low-risk paths in order to innovate. Although they are still grateful for my crisis management skills, this does not mean that my character has no shortcomings. Of course, I am very positive because they recognized my strengths, and these strengths are surprisingly similar to Sally’s test results. I hope I can continue to hold my advantages and make up for some of my disadvantages.

My personal brand is: smart and reliable

I believe that I chose the marketing-integrated marketing major because of my personality, so I have prospects and potentials with the ability to innovate and control the details. I hope to become a high EQ, have strong personal social skills, and be able to quickly establish social networks with others. Secondly, I have highly accurate expression skills, I can help people determine the delivery date and plan details. Finally, the most important thing is that I can increase my value by generating new ideas. I can help employers and friends propose new feasible solutions. It is a combination of innovative thinking and execution.

The above is my evaluation of the Sally test. I like it very much. If you are interested in this test and want to learn more, you can click here.

You can also learn more about creator Sally Hogshead here and tweet her @SallyHogshead.



Rachel Dong
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A Chinese girl studies in NYC, love marketing and love creative thinking.