Survive in the Pandemic

Lanlin Fang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 14, 2021

Under the COVID-19 pandemic, Perrier mainly focused on digital online marketing. Communicate with consumers through updated advertising campaigns and social media.



Perrier has released a new campaign, continuing with the mythical theme of its sagas, relying on the creative and artistic codes of the ads that have expressed its pop culture dimension. In the latest campaign, ‘The Heat by Perrier’, the brand has created a metaphorical world to demonstrate its extreme thirst for life. This campaign is a renaissance for Perrier®, it’s the proof Perrier® has never be more relevant than today. It’s the perfect match between the brand’s. It’s a strong message of hope and optimism, the message that every generation has an opportunity to live their life to the full.

Social media platform

In 2020, the PERRIER social media saga began: bubbles taken from a French spring were bottled, ready to satisfy people’s thirst. Perrier is a French very famous sparkling water brand, with a very strong brand identity targeting the social experiencers. The overall objective of the campaign is to raise awareness on the brand, position it as a fun and experience-providing drink and implement it in everyday life. Perrier covers Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Official website. Essential during this project is to identify and select the right targeting and identify the best way to communicate on all the product benefits. All the project is concentred on a social media campaign.

Email&Text Marketing

When it comes to email and text messaging, Perrier hasn’t been as aggressive as other brands. When opening the official web page, there is no direct pop-up to fill in the email contact dialog box. Subscription information (email & text) is displayed only when the consumer drops the page down to the bottom.


For the company, it is all about convenience. Technology and mobile play a huge role in the lives of the Perrier target demographic. Perrier has done a great job innovating on advertising, by running video ads and maintaining customers on social media. In the discovery and evaluation part of the journey, search engines, social media feeds, and influencers are popular ways for shoppers to get product inspiration outside a brand’s properties. Perrier’s recipes and interactions with designers and online platforms are eye-catching, colorful and unique. That’s why Perrier is so impressive to consumers. But Perrier needs to do more digital marketing with email and text ads. Under the epidemic situation, people become more active and more involved in online activities. These two kinds of digital marketing will also increase Perrier’s market share and consumers in the future.

‘COVID -19 created a burning platform for digital transformation’

In today’s environment, unified channels and customer service are more important than ever, as non-essential businesses closed their doors to help slow the spread of Covid-19. This meant that retailers and shoppers alike had to pivot overnight to a digital-only reality. In such a turbulent year, the most valuable asset in marketing has been the ability to adapt quickly. Better engagement and results can be found via smaller, more intimate, and often shorter virtual experiences targeted at key client segments and interests. Under COVID-19, there are new types of purchase points emerge. Mobile wallets are behind e-mail as a place to make purchases. And 14% of shoppers are making purchases through social media.For the future development of brands, digital marketing is a more flexible, low-cost and high-return way of influence. The brand side should enhance the “point” and “aspect” of communication with customers, and let customers understand and contact the brand from multiple perspectives. Only in this way can the brand stand out from the industry and survive in the epidemic through contact and response.



Lanlin Fang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

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