Tech Giants Turned into Media Giants

Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJul 26, 2020
Source: William Joel

From tech startup companies to tech giants and many things in between. Facebook and Google started off innovative tech companies and have transformed into something bigger. Due to their large pockets and power, both companies have acquired startups from different industries. So yes, Facebook and Google are tech giants as well as media giants.

Since Google first changed the way we found information, it has bought over 200 startups which includes one of its biggest successes, YouTube. Since acquiring YouTube, Google has begun a premium version with original content made exclusively for YouTube. Facebook has also created original series for the platform in hopes to keep audiences on the site as long as possible.

Source: William Joel

Over the last few years, traditional media giants such as CBS have been trying to catch up to the success of Netflix and not surprising, Google beat most of the media giants with YouTube. The Streaming Wars are at its height now that millions of people are stuck at home free to binge-watch as much media as they can. The most recent media giant to step into the battle is NBC with its Peacock streaming service. I believe that in no time, Facebook will be announcing its own streaming service. Facebook already has original content that can be transferred to a standalone site and they have the budget to create more original content. It’s the only one of the Big 4 tech companies that doesn’t have its own streaming service and I see that changing in the next year. As a fan of several shows produced by Facebook and Google, I have seen them as media companies for many years. Soon, I think most of the world will see them as media giants too.

