The 5 Most Important Things a Business Should Consider While Creating a Digital Strategy Today

Phaedra Lavidas
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 26, 2020

There is no doubt that the Coronavirus will bring change to the way humans behave and society operates. It is difficult to know at this point what those changes will be. From a business standpoint, it is important for companies to think ahead, and to take into consideration the effects of these changes when making any business decision. Under the current circumstances, digital activity has increased, and companies are accelerating to make use of digital platforms as much as possible to reach their consumers. In my opinion, the following are five important things to know before creating a digital strategy at this point.

1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

A very important factor that needs to be addressed before any strategy is going to take place is to understand the current environment and the changes that have occurred due to the Coronavirus. What are the changes in society that we see are starting to emerge? From a Marketing perspective, what trends or changes are being done? What are the specific changes in your industry, and what are your competitors doing to adapt to change? What are your customers thinking about? What are government restrictions? What business opportunities and threats do you face?

A thorough analysis of the current environment is the key to build awareness. In my opinion, it is the most important factor that needs to be analyzed amid a pandemic. I would advise you to learn as much as you can from industry experts, Marketing publications, and listen to other’s points of view or opinions.

2. Create, Prioritize and Socialize Goals

After a thorough analysis of your environment, you can consider creating or adjusting company goals. You might want to think about goals for two different periods: Immediate and Future goals. The immediate goals may include ways in which you are tackling the pandemic, while still reaching your consumers, and future goals include ways in which you will reach and satisfy post-pandemic consumer needs.

You create the goals based on your analysis, you prioritize the goals for what is more immediate, and you socialize (communicate) the goals to the entire organization so that every employee can be on the same page. At this stage, it is also important to think about scenario planning, by thinking about scenarios that can affect the road to success. Due to the current circumstances, being flexible and adaptable is necessary.

3. Understand your Consumers

The pandemic will bring change to society, some people might change their behavior radically, and others might not. As a business, you may want to consider the possibility that some of your consumers will fall into the pool of radical behavior change. How are your consumers changing? Are they becoming more health-focused? Does the pandemic bring opportunity for new consumers? Are your segments changing? You may need to consider this time as an opportunity to adapt and create new ideas to keep up with changes in consumer behavior.

4. Create Digital Content on the Right Platforms

Understand how the Coronavirus has influenced consumer behavior with an increase in the use of digital platforms. Evaluate what digital platforms you are on currently, and where your consumers are starting to shift on. Do your digital platforms align with those of your consumers? What changes are being made? What type of digital platforms are consumers more interested in? You might want to consider the opportunities that digital can offer your brand.

According to an article on Patrizio Miceli, Head of Creative agency Al Dente, that was published on WWD (Women’s Wear Daily), Miceli noted that their company is “rethinking the power of digital media and finding audiences on new platforms”.

5. Choose The Right Messages

One thing you might want to consider when creating a digital strategy is the content of the message itself. Don’t just jump onto digital for the sake of being on digital because everyone needs to be on digital. Be on digital for a good purpose. Create a meaningful message, a message that filled with purpose and that has been created with a passion. These are the kinds of messages that are more likely to resonate with consumers.

