The Artist In The Boardroom?

Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJun 21, 2020

The avant-garde is new, unusual, and experimental; characteristics I haven’t connected with the business world and my own professional career and goals. After taking the Fascination Advantage Test and getting the Avant-Garde archetype, I’ve begun to reflect and awaken a new perspective of myself within my professional career.

I pride myself on being unique and forward-thinking. As a teen, I started fashion trends at my uniform required high school. As an adult, I use an intersectional framework to critique diversity and inclusion practices within companies. I’m not surprised I got the Avant-Garde archetype. I am surprised that I’ve been unknowingly using the Avant-Garde skill set within my professional life.


The Avant-Garde archetype is a combination of Prestige which “earns respect with higher standards” and Innovation which “changes the game with creativity.” Many characteristics rang true for me especially the forward-thinking aspect. I work at an organization steeped with tradition and afraid of change. I constantly push it to envision a future where it remains true to its mission statement while creating a larger network and attracting new audiences.

Knowing my archetype will help me hone my natural skills. The Fascination Advantage Test has helped me realize that traits I knew I hard can be used in my professional life as well. For example, I consider myself a creative person but never considered I could be creative at my 9–5 job.

In the noisy environment that is the digital world, only the fascinating gets noticed. Everyone is fascinating, we all have stories that are stranger than fiction. The question is: how do I create a narrative that highlights how my one-of-a-kind experiences? Fascination as a marketer is one of the most important skills to have. Fascination attracts, can educate, and create change. Through the Fascination Advantage Test results, I can work towards capturing fascination through my natural skills.

