The death of cookie or an opportunity? Google bans the use of third-party cookies in 2023

Rachel Dong
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readNov 7, 2021

Google will completely ban third-party cookies in 2023, and Apple’s IOS15 will also prevent their users from being tracked by their IP addresses. This business change means that a form of advertising is about to disappear. Users can no longer worry about their privacy being obtained and sold. However, this matter is very complicated for me, because cookies help marketers to carry out marketing activities.

What are cookies

For years, brands have been using cookies to track website visitors, improve user experience, and collect data to help us target ads to the right audience. In addition, cookies can help consumers avoid receiving many of the same advertisements. Cookies can be recognized online and provide a personalized experience when users use the browser. For commercial activities, the most common use of cookies is for advertising. In order for the advertisement to be played to its target customers, marketers only need to use cookies to identify the user’s geographic location information, demographic information, and to screen out the most suitable group of people.

However, this approach has gradually begun to be wary of people. As users’ awareness of privacy issues continues to increase, this type of tracking makes users feel uneasy. And when the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and related laws such as ePriavcy were introduced, people began to feel scared about the use of cookies. In fact, third-party cookies will not expose users’ computers to viruses and malware, but people still feel that their privacy is at risk of being leaked and that their privacy rights have been violated.

Is it a good thing to disable third-party cookies

According to many marketers, the information tracked by cookies is not very effective. I think efficiency is very important. Cookies and ios location acquisition are all for audience insights, big data analysis and marketing automation. Once there is information asymmetry or waste of resources in one of the replacement parts, our marketing costs and budget will be wasted. As a result, we are facing a reduction in ROI and revenue. Therefore, the use of third-party cookies also has some side effects. Once third-party cookies are disabled, marketers can explore better ways to acquire customers.

Is it a bad thing?

Yes. It is not very beneficial to marketers. I think in a short period of time, it is difficult for marketers to find a better information collection and tracking function than cookies. For consumers, privacy protection is certainly a good thing. For marketers, this is not a good thing, even if its disabling can help marketers start a new marketing method. How do I and other marketers view this change? Are we really ready for this new world?

According to Epsilon’s research, I found that marketers are actually very worried about whether they can find a new fan in a short period of time. Many people are speeding up their search for marketing solutions for the new world. Although this sounds very positive, I don’t think so. We need to think about new customer acquisition strategies, how to prevent users from thinking that their privacy has been violated, and how to provide advertisements to customers in a natural and comfortable way. Moreover, for brands and marketers, acquiring customers is only the first part, how to improve user retention, how to efficiently provide value to each customer, and so on. These answers are still unknown and vague. However, their biggest worry is to take any wrong move and find the balance of investment and income to avoid losses.

All in all, this is a very big challenge for marketers, because everything is a brand new blueprint. The benefits and inefficiencies that third-party cookies bring to marketers are like a double-edged sword. It is good and bad. In any case, this era is coming to an end, and we should quickly adapt to the new rules of the game, such as mining first-party cookie customer information. However, this reminds us that in the digital age, the rules of the game are changing so quickly. We should always look at these changes with a positive attitude.

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Rachel Dong
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A Chinese girl studies in NYC, love marketing and love creative thinking.