The Evaluation of the Brachs’ Website

Huiyan Li
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 28, 2021


Brachs’ website is useful as it offers information about different types of candy that Brachs offers. The website displays various kinds of candy for the different preferences that people have. The website also gives people the chance to view the candy recipes to make the delicacies at the comfort of their own homes and offers customers the opportunity to buy seasonal candy options such as Easter treats. Further, the website all tells people where they can buy the candy of their choice. Therefore, the website is generally useful.

Website’s purpose

The purpose of the Brachs website is to turn website visitors into prospective candy customers. The website does this by presenting and promoting the range of goods sold by the company. More uses of the website include providing effective communication with customers, helping customers buy goods online through the ‘where to buy button,’ and attracting new customers through online advertising, explicitly using email alerts collected from prospective customers.

User-Centeredness and Pleasure In Usage

Further, the website is user-centered. The website is mobile compatible and offers similar information when accessed from a mobile phone or a computer. Similarly, the website has well-planned information to ensure good usability. Despite only having minimal information, the website is user-centered as it allows its users to easily and quickly know about the types of candy that Brachs sells. The website loads significantly fast, considering the high-quality pictures, leading to good usability. Further, the website is consistent in most browsers and is easy to navigate, making it a very user-centered website. The features above make the website a pleasure to use. The website is useful, has a purpose, and is user-centered. These features ensure that people get the products they are looking for and enjoy while doing so due to the ease of use.

Design Innovation

However, the website is not as innovative. First, the website lacks a search and filter button, slowing down customers when attempting to find what they are looking for. Similarly, there is no video content on the website. Images only represent half the picture. On the other hand, videos help customers see a product from all aspects to ensure that what they see on the website is what they get after buying the products. Further, the website lacks product reviews, which guide the authenticity of a product, thus directly affecting the sales. However, the website has one innovative feature. The website has social media sharing buttons to ensure customers can share their experiences with Brach's products to influence new customers.

Brand Personality, And Website Aesthetics And Responsiveness

The website communicates about the personality of the

Brachs brand. It encompasses images of children and their guardians. These images bring the brand to life, and since the people used are seemingly healthy, the photos speak further about the healthy candy choices the company offers. The website’s aesthetics include only necessary elements, user-friendliness, and visual elements such as the different colored candies. Further, the website uses the right font and uses pops of color aligned with candy. The website is also responsive. The company has managed to create a website that looks almost the same when accessed from either a computer or a mobile phone, without blocked access due to the use of a different device.

Incorporation of AI And Hallmarks of a Fascinating Message

The website’s content is convincing. The combination of images and words is compelling and could easily make a person buy candy from Brachs. The website does not appear to be using artificial intelligence since there are no personalized recommendations of products. The website does not incorporate most of the hallmarks of a fascinating message. The website may provoke a strong emotional reaction due to the excellent representation of candy. However, the website does not create any advocates, has no chance of becoming a cultural shorthand, and it would not easily incite a conversation. Similarly, the website may not force competitors to realign around it, but rather, may realign around its competitors, and finally, the website does not tap into any social revolutions. Notably, the website does not incorporate the six hallmarks sufficiently because it is a candy website, and the candy is not taken as seriously as other products.

