The Fascinate Test

Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readFeb 23, 2020

We spend a lot of time knowing about what other people think and who they are. Sometimes, we ignore ourselves. we even do not know ourselves very well. Before taking the Fascinate test, I searched for some information about the test and knew that the test can measure how people interact with brands, and the different communication styles humans respond to. The function of the test seems to focus on my influence on others and people’s views on me. I am glad to have the test and understand myself better. The test results may explain my marketing abilities. In view of this point, I think the test is useful when it comes to my desired career in the field of marketing.

The test result indicates that my primary advantage is a passion while my secondary advantage is trust. Therefore the passion and the trust combine to form my archetype. This kind of archetype indicates people will see me in the following ways: I can build lasting relationships and earn loyalty. I usually encourage those who fall behind or feel neglected. When I face conflict, I coax others to join my views instead of threatening them. I can make people feel safe and establish secure bonds with them. I think the test result is so true. In my life, I am outgoing and have established good and lasting relationships with many friends. My friends think that I am trustworthy. My behavior and performance have never let them down.

As a marketer, I think the idea of Fascination mainly means abilities to communicate products or services with consumers, influencing consumers’ behaviors efficiently and building a lasting relationship with consumers. To have these abilities, a marketer’s personality should include advantages in terms of passion and trust. Passion can help attract attention from potential consumers and make consumers interested in your offers. Trust is essential to earn loyalty from consumers.

