The Fascinate Test: honest review

Soumya Gupta
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 8, 2023

A test which tells you how the world sees you. Yay or nay?

How many times have you seen those quizzes on the internet which tell you what personality you are, or even which animal and cookie you are (thanks to Buzzfeed)?

I am sure we all have taken these random quizzes at some point in our lives. Some of us also take the more detailed and reliable personality tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Big Five.

Recently, I came across the Fascinate Test developed by New York Times bestselling author, Sally Hogshead. The test claims to tell you how the world sees you and how to use your advantages to fascinate people with your ideas and advance in your professional and personal life.

How to Fascinate?

The fairly quick Fascinate Test, comprising of just 28 short questions, result into a decoding and custom analysis report of your personality archetype.

For the unversed, an archetype is a combination of your primary and secondary advantages which happen to be your most effective or ‘fascinating’ modes of communication.

There are 49 archetypes in total which are described in a matrix combining 7 primary and secondary advantages. Have a look at it below:

My Archetype:

My report reveals myself to be “The Catalyst’’ with my primary advantage being Passion and secondary being Innovation.

Being a blend of passion and innovation, “Catalysts” are described to create a strong and immediate emotional connections while also being excellent problem-solvers.

With Passion advantage, the Catalysts communicate expressively using humor and colorful language. They are intuitive and approachable, making them warm and engaging individuals.

While Innovation helps them be creative, visionary and entrepreneurial. They are able to generate fresh and unique ideas and are driven by spontaneity and adventure.

Dormant Advantage

The report also generates your Dormant advantage which is your “most exhausting” form of communication. Simply put, it is how you are least likely to impress others.

It is advised to avoid situations which force you to interact through your dormant advantage as it will drain your energy and make you feel stuck.

My thoughts?

First off, not gonna lie, I was flattered. I mean come on, the test does say some really good things about people.

I think being in your 20s is all about self discovery and discovering your true self. You are on a quest to find out who you really are, what are your true strengths, if you have any hidden natural talent (lol sure), and of course, your weaknesses.

The journey to self discovery is a beautiful one, the path bestows you with awareness, succors you out of your comfort zone and helps you discover your purpose– in life and career.

And while you’re on the path, just navigating through life, it can be refreshing to see a test just reinstating the facts that you would like to believe for yourself.

I always saw myself as a doer with good communication skills as my strengths but did not know that that is how the world also actually sees me and I can fascinate people with it. I always thought your strengths are some skills or talent that you acquire, but it actually turns out to be the things that come most naturally to you.

How does it really help you?

I think it helps professionals put their best foot forward, by communicating effectively and effortlessly using their advantage. If you’re dabbling between careers, it can also give you an idea about what fields are well suited for you.

For a Catalyst like myself, PR and marketing seem to be the ideal choice (not surprised).

Overall, I think the reassuring results will turn you into a more confident individual– confident in your own self and abilities.

Honestly, I deeply resonated with my analysis and I think it is going to stay with me in my subconscious everytime I walk into a room trying to win people over.

I strongly urge you, my readers, to take the test and see yourself through the eyes of Sally Hogshead. I promise you, it will be worthwhile.



Soumya Gupta
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Grad student at NYU | I love talking about brands, puppies, strategy and all things digital