The Fascinate Test Taken By ‘A Wise Owl’!

Aashna Patel
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 23, 2020

“To be more successful, don’t change who you are. Become more of who you are.”- Sally Hogshead

I recently had the opportunity to take a short quiz or rather a test that would help me determine how the world perceives me. Honestly speaking, I have always been skeptical about taking personality tests because more often than not they have had the ability to be untrue in my case, and it is only a reflection of how you perceive others. So, when I came across The Fascinate Test, I was quite intrigued by the sole purpose of knowing how the test was going to tell me how the world sees me. And who does not want to know that?

Once I came out of my skepticism, I was faced with another mental hurdle of self-reflection. This personality test helps you determine your archetype, or a pattern of behavior when you answer a list of questions. Sounds easy but they are not your normal ‘What is your favorite city?’ type of questions. While taking the test I had a moment, or let’s say two, of contemplation but I have to say I was very ‘fascinated’ by it.

Taking The Fascinate Test helped me dive deep into my emotions.

The whole experience sparked my curiosity even further and I could not have finished the test any sooner just to know the qualities or set of behaviors I possess in my everyday life, after much introspection of course!

And my Archetype is…

‘The Wise Owl’.

I carefully analyze situations before making any decisions and high-pressure environments do not overwhelm me. Being a very goal-oriented person, others usually rely on me for thoughtful advice and I am appreciated for my loyalty and commitment.

My Archetype
My Archetype

Mystique, my primary personality descriptor, shows that I am an independent, logical and observant individual, with a complex mind, who is always calm in situations of pressure. I might not be sociable but my ability to see the nuances of a situation and think things through gives me an edge over the more outgoing personalities.

Trust, my secondary personality descriptor, shows that I am a stable, dependable and familiar individual, who earns loyalty through dependability. I use trust to my advantage by persuading, influencing, attracting and inspiring everyone I encounter.

Let’s talk about the real question…

Do these qualities feel true? I am still not sure about how I feel being compared to an owl but hey they are wise, so I’ll take that! And for some odd reason, this test feels very accurate because for the first time I am able to connect with the attributes mentioned.

Growing up, I have always been the ‘good listener’ and the ‘stable one’ in every circle of life be it with my friends or family. I am the one person people turn to for advice because I listen patiently and make logical decisions, and my past work experiences have shown that I am very calm under pressure. Chaotic situations leave me unruffled and my two personality descriptors, mystique, and trust, just give me more clarity in the way I deal with situations and people around me.

These qualities really help me as a marketer, because being in this dynamic environment it is important to have traits that set you apart and being mindful is advantageous.

I would highly recommend this test to people who want to be self-aware and dwell upon their behavior because this test truly is a reflection of how the world perceives you and that information surely adds value to my life!

