The Fascinating Test — Is the way you see yourself the same as how the world sees you?

Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readFeb 13, 2022

“Most people know themselves well, but do you know how the world sees you?” If you also have this question, “The Fascinating Test” may be the answer for you.

I believe most of you are curious about how others see you. After all, we live in a complex network of social relationships. So although I am not very interested in personality tests because I think I know myself well enough and have done many similar personality tests before and I’m sure you have heard of them such as “16 Personalities”, “MBTI”, “ Enneagram personality test” and so on. But the line “Most personality tests measure how you see the world, only one measure how the world sees you” got me hooked.

“Rockstar”?Innovation and Passion, Yes, it’s me

To be honest, I don’t believe in these kinds of personality tests, but when I saw the result, I thought it matched my personality to some extent.

My Archetype — The Rockstar
My Archetype — The RockStar

When I was five years old, I stood on the sofa and sang loudly to others. When all the other kids were hiding behind their parents and not willing to talk, I was expecting everyone to notice my presence. Yes, that’s right, I wanted me to be a different presence. “innovation”, “passion”, I think it’s my innate label. Passionate, curious, want to make ordinary things interesting and different.

My Daddy and I when I was a little kid

I prefer to try things I haven’t eaten when I order, although it’s undeniable that many times it makes me order some terrible food, I’m not upset about it because more than satisfying my tastebuds, it satisfies my curiosity.

Similarly, I hope I can do something different every day in my work as I enjoy approaching and learning new things. That’s why I love to do marketing and love the FMCG industry. The biggest characteristic of the FMCG industry is “FAST”. Pop-up products change so fast, and if you can’t engage your consumers’ curiosity and innovate as their needs change, you’re probably going to lose them. This is challenging work and I’m willing to embrace change. “Creative” “out-of-the-box thinkers” are really what my friends and colleagues would describe me. Therefore, to a large extent, I think my test result is realistic.

My primary and secondary triggers

Is This Really Objective?

Similar to most personality tests, Sally Hogshead’s Fascinate Test tells me what my personality traits are like based on how I answer some general questions. Although I mentioned above that the results of this test match my personality and what others think of me to a large extent, at the same time, I don’t think it’s an objective enough test. In other words, it’s a bit of a departure from the test’s original intent. Why do I say this? Let’s take a look at the test’s questions.

Test Questions from ‘’The Fascinating test”

It’s easy to see that most of these questions ask you to answer them from your perspective, so the personality traits inferred from the answers to these questions make me feel that it’s still largely about “how you see yourself” rather than “how the world sees you” as mentioned at the beginning.

Another problem is that your answers are not always what you think, but rather how you want to be perceived. We might not answer the questions to discover how the world sees us, but how we want the world to see us.

We are constantly invited to be who we are

By the sounds of the fascinating test, it truly seemed fascinating. I appreciated that the report went beyond describing how I’m seen by others, but specifically how I provide value and where my weak spots are when it comes to how I contribute to a professional setting. I admit that I am a rather self-conscious person, in other words, I don’t care much about what other people think of me, so I rarely notice what other people are saying about me. Although I don’t think this test did a very good job in objectivity, I am definitely pleasantly surprised by how detailed and helpful the report is.

Sally Hogshead states: When you communicate using your natural Advantages, you’re more authentic and confident, and that helps you make a positive impression, I completely agree and of course, I will follow my instincts and continue to be myself. I am fortunate that this test enables me to learn more about my strengths so that I can maximize their use in my career and my life. In building my career and personal brand, I will use my Fascinate Test result’s natural advantages, I will strive to be as passionate and innovative in my approach as possible to effectively communicate, influence, and fascinate.



Marketing in the Age of Digital

Welcome! 你好呀:) Yilia from China. Here to blog about marketing and my life. NYU Grad Student · Photography enthusiast · Travel Lover · Enjoying Cooking