The Nostalgia of Traditional Marketing and the Ever-Evolving Digital Climate

Nikhita A.
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 14, 2023

Hi everyone! My name is Niki and I am a Graduate Student at NYU in the Masters of Integrated Marketing program at the School of Professional Studies. I was born in 1999, right on the cusp of the 21st century and I am innately creative and artistically inclined. With my interests in luxury fashion brands, tech, and consumer industries, I’ll be embarking on a new journey of blogging to expand my knowledge on all things marketing related, especially within those three industries. Marketing, defined by the leading marketing organization in the U.S. is:

The activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.” — American Marketing Association

Simply put by marketing genius Seth Godin, “If you need to persuade someone to take action, you’re doing marketing.”

So what’s the point of it all? Why market products and services in the first place? Well, the output of marketing efforts is essentially collecting revenue for business purposes. In layman terms — getting people to buy stuff. The function of a good marketing campaign and its all encompassing strategy and execution is frequently, if not always, a contributing factor to the success of a product launch and its sales. At a fundamental level, the marketing funnel is a general representation of how a marketing process works. Here’s a simple visual for a better idea:

Image Credit:

Let’s deep dive into this structure. Step one, ‘Awareness’, is building a need for the consumer about the problem being addressed. Think of it like, something the buyer does not have in their life, and could REALLY benefit from if they did have it. (I.e. That new iPad sounds tempting, doesn’t it?) ‘Consideration’ is about evaluating, informing, and allowing the consumer to build a perception and decide if they want to purchase the good or service being sold. (I.e. Do I need a new iPad or is it just a marketing gimmick that’s going to be costly… OR would it help my already existing Apple product ecosystem at home if I did get a new device? Questions, questions…). The third step is ‘Conversion’, actually selling the product, or the customer making the purchase, and therefore the retailer or business profiting through the consumer. (I.e. Well I guess I’ve made up my mind. I’m buying the iPad and no one can stop me!). The final step is ‘Loyalty’, making the brand so reliable that the consumer or buyer wants to come back for more. (I.e. iPad who? I want an Apple desktop monitor computer now!).

Now that the conventional definition and a brief understanding about marketing and its objective is out of the way, I want to establish what content I’ll be writing about in this blog. My desire for this blog is to articulate and categorize my thoughts on different facets of digital marketing so that I can not only efficiently write on topics regarding the subject matter, but also inform readers about exciting new trends by discussing current events as well as inviting different perspectives and analyzing opinions on already established marketing concepts.

I’m thrilled to join this blogging extravaganza and would like to share a few notable companies that spark interest in me in the lanes of fashion merchandising, technology companies, and consumer packaged goods due to their design and unique value offerings.

Big brand companies I’d dream of working for post grad!

With ever changing technologies dating back to the 60’s such as color TV, then the internet for public use in the 90’s, the rise of social media in the 2010’s, and now in 2023, generative AI, the digital marketing landscape is certainly evolving. Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha is in for more progressions in the marketing sphere and digital world speaking futuristically. More than ever, I’m excited to display my creativity in a multitude of formats and engage with readers about marketing and all it entails, hereon-out!

