Richard Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJul 4, 2022

The INKEY list is a brand which helped people in Skincare. They offer personalized recipes for customers as well as skincare knowledge. As a skincare brand, they use Instagram to communicate with their customers.

The INKEY list have 473k followers on instagram. Most of their content introduced their products in the form of videos. They usually showed up as a concise process of people using the products and their feedback. It is a new way of advertising, similar to a short video shooting by us, to give customers a real image of the effect of the products.

For example, this video demonstrated a complete process of a girl applying hyaluronic acid to her skin. In the video she advocate for this product to people who want to have a glow and plump skin. The whole process is short and easy, and she also introduced its benefits in the caption. I believed such videos can be more effective than a high-cost advertisement since they looks real and refined. It feels like a normal girl using the product and improve her skin. In the introduction of the post, the brand also said that its price is the same as Netflix subscription. Such words can also attract attention.

The INKEY list invites many makeup blogger to try their products and give feedback, and they always @ them in the content. It is another good way to advertise, since they can attract the followers of these bloggers.

Overall, I think this kind of video creates great effect in advertising with small cost. Rather than a fancy advertisement with a celebrity, customers want to see real effects of the product and its cost performance.

