The Next Bitcoin? What is exactly the NFT?

How was NFT born?
NFT was born based on a pixel avatar project called CryptoPunks in Etherpad in 2017. The total number of these pixel avatars is capped at 10,000, no two characters can be the same, and anyone with an Etherpad wallet can receive them for free. After receiving them, they can be placed on the secondary market for trading.

Image: Christie’s / Larva Labs

How did NFT come out of the loop?
A lot of people started to pay attention to NFT in March. On March 6, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey appeared to be trying to sell his first tweet from 2006 as a non-fungible token, the NFT.

On the afternoon of March 6, Dorsey posted a link to the platform “Valuables” and the page opened with his first tweet from 2006, “just setting up my twttr,” being auctioned off. The tweet was being auctioned off. The highest bid came from Sina Estavi, CEO of digital currency trading firm Bridge Oracle, who bid $2.9 million on the afternoon of March 7.

What are some facts of NFT?

My opinion

Many people question NFT as a bubble. I think that time is the biggest enemy of bubbles, and as the market develops and people become more fully aware of NFT, it will become difficult to generate large bubbles. The problem of liquidity is similar. As people’s expectations of the value of NFT gradually become stable and the risk of holding NFT decreases, more people will join this market to contribute liquidity.

