The Not So Typical, Typical Ice Breaker Question: Where Are You From?

Michelle Leung
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readSep 19, 2021

When we first meet someone new, one of our initial questions to get to know them (aside from trying to avoid the awkward silence) is always, “where are you from?”. Naturally, everyone has a different answer and it is what makes this question such a great conversation starter.

In my experiences, almost everyone that I’ve met has always given a wildly interesting story — how they were born in Korea, but moved to South Africa at the age of 5, then went to Vancouver when they were 10, and then finally to the U.S. for undergrad. At a recent NYUSPS graduate student meet and greet mixer, I was asked this question a total of 7 times in 30 minutes. And each time, people are always so surprised at how simple my answer was.

Somehow, my answer “born and raised in New York City” always cued the wide eyes and the “oh really’s?!?!” I always wondered why. Perhaps, the simple things in life really are the sweetest. But, my one-syllable response always felt unjustified of my true origins. To me, the question is beyond just the place(s) where one has lived for an extended period. Instead, it is a culmination of experiences, moments lived, and people we meet in our lifetime. So, where am I truly from?

My mom’s most prized possession aka the only other siblings that won’t talk back to me.

I am from my grandmother’s years spent in the farms during the Cultural Revolution and her talented ability to cook everything from anything. I am from my mother’s commendable selflessness with others and incredible patience with her ever-growing collection of plant babies (ah…the only other siblings that won’t talk back to me). I am from my father’s attentiveness to even the smallest detail in everything he does and his broken English. I am from my younger sister’s keen sense of humor and carefree personality. I am from all the cultures I was exposed to during my travels in the summers throughout the years. From China to Hong Kong, to Thailand, to Taiwan, to France, to Italy, to Rome, to Spain, to Norway, to London, to Montreál, to Hawaii, to Alaska, and the Caribbeans. I am from the friendships turned kinship. I am from all the choices I’ve made in life so far — the good and the bad. The ones that led to failure were humbling, while the successful ones helped me build confidence. It’s safe to say that “where are you from?” is a question that could be based on the stage in life you’re in.


As a graduate student in the Integrated Marketing program at the New York University School of Professional Studies, I have found that my answer has evolved to include my passion for marketing too. Like a tree, my love for marketing also has many roots. From seeing different advertisements in different countries when visiting a different part of the world to the interactions with cohorts and other professionals in the field, to taking strolls down SoHo on a sunny day and stumbling across genius scaffolding banner campaigns. I am relentlessly amused and awestruck at the infinite possibilities of the marketing world because it makes me eager to add even more value to it.

The creation of this blog is only the genesis of my journey in this industry — starting with discussions of the multitudes of digital marketing. After all, there is no better way to learn than having conversations with ourselves and others. An even more important part of this process ties back to one of our five senses; listening. It is the most frequent skill we use with the least amount of training, making it the easiest yet hardest skill to fully master. It is also one of the best ways to truly understand someone’s answer to “where are you from?”

Here, you will find dialogues on all spectrums — media, traveling, mindfulness, marketing, food, culture, and everything else I love. Every post will be like a flower petal that blooms a new perspective for both you and me. And I cannot wait to hop on this perennial journey of knowledge with anyone who wishes to join! Also, the last plant/ flower analogy I’ll use, I promise (had to make my mama proud)!

So the next time someone asks you, “where are you from?” what stories will come to your mind?

It’s me!

For the sake of our embarrassing attention spans (Goldfish:1; Humans: 0), my simple “Chinese-American gal born and raised in Brooklyn, New York City” answer shall suffice for now. Only because everyone knows that NYC is awesome and anyone who says otherwise is either crazy or crazy. No, that is not a typo, I typed crazy twice on purpose. Jokes aside, there really is no place like my hometown, the epicenter for innovation, communications, and diversity. Nothing beats the energy, the je ne sais quoi of New York, and the underlying thrum of creativeness that this city has to offer to inspire me to new heights.



Michelle Leung
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A world-traveling Brooklynite inspiring and being inspired by the world around me | NYU MS '22