The Rockstar but Not Rock Enough

Chunyu Chen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readOct 3, 2021

It is interesting to see the difference between how you see yourself and how other people see you in different perspectives. To be honest, usually I do not take these personality tests or surveys. Sometimes I do not want to pick any choices because none of them fit me properly. Then I have to pick one which is acceptable to me in order to get going and the result may not be correct. On the other hand, I still found some helpful information and mindful thoughts after I took the Fascinate test.

The test has 28 questions total with four levels to pick if each description fits you. From my experience, 28 questions are enough to gather information and analyze it. As a result, my archetype is the rockstar. According to the overview, people use adjectives like bold, artistic and unorthodox to describe me. In addition, my primary advantage is innovation and my secondary advantage is passion which I agree with. My dormant advantage is power which is the least likely to impress others.

After reading the overview, I agree with 80% of the content which is true to me and the rest of 20% depend on different situations. I like to consider problems from multiple angles, solve problems with fresh solutions and be curious for change and exploration. Innovation is definitely my big advantage. Furthermore, I always put over 100% effort on my passion and keep improving until perfection. However, the description of passion in the Fascinate test is more like an enthusiastic personality. It means a person who is confident about what he is doing and speaking, be an active and emotional leader to mobilize, communicate with colorful language and humor, and inspire people to become involved advocates.

In my opinion, I am definitely not that person. Normally, I am a listener and speak up my ideas when everyone is finished. Like I mentioned above, I could be this person depending on different situations. One is the language. I think the reason I got this passion advantage is because I picked level 4 on the question: you know your sense of humor. When I speak native language and with people who have similar culture and background, I must admit I know the art of language. But in English I am like a dolphin leaving the ocean that is not able to dance like before. Two is what topic we are talking about. If it is something which my knowledge is capable of sharing or I am super confident, I will be really passionate and share my ideas. On the other hand, if something I am not familiar with, I will carefully share my thoughts.

In order to use my ability in career and building my personal brand, innovation can let my brand stand out and be attractive. Also I need to maintain the balance because people may not understand. Furthermore, I need to learn and read more information about digital marketing and make sure I have content to share so I will be confident and capable in conversation.

