The theme song from Mixue Ice Cream & Tea has sparked a nationwide craze among the Chinese people

Yitong Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJul 10, 2023

When you walk through the streets and alleys of China and casually hum the first half of this song, “You love me, I love you,” everyone will unconsciously continue singing, “Mixue Ice Cream & Tea.” This song is precisely the theme song released by Mixue Ice Cream & Tea on billibilli in June 2021. Within less than a month, it garnered over 20,000,000 views. Mixue has achieved a relatively large-scale viral transmission at a very low cost through the short video platform, which deeply impressed everyone. So how did Mixue Ice Cream & Tea achieve it on digital platform?

Mixue Ice Cream & Tea Theme Song in Chinese and English

1.Mixue‘s brand philosophy—Customer First

Mixue has always advocated the philosophy of focusing on the interests of customers, and is committed to allowing everyone in the world to enjoy high-quality and affordable delicious food. By using high-quality raw materials and extremely low product prices, Mixue has attracted a huge fan base. Especially when other milk tea brands increase their prices due to rising raw material prices, Mixue has always maintained affordable prices for students and low-income groups, and promised the whole country that they will not increase prices. Therefore, Mixue Ice Cream & Tea has been sought after by people all over the country and is known as a down-to-earth brand.

The Chinese menu of Mixue (1USD=7.23RMB)

2. Mixue accurately delivers brand message around their customer groups

Mixue Ice Cream & Tea precisely reaches its target audience through digital platforms, predominantly consisting of young individuals such as students and working professionals. These young people are passionate about meme culture and are highly active on the Bilibili platform. Mixue animated their logo, featuring a snowman, and created a humorous animation video, incorporating elements of bizarre and funny editing style. They cleverly chose the melody of the well-known American folk song “Oh, Susanna” by composer Stephen Foster, which is familiar to many from their elementary school music classes. Leveraging the song’s existing popularity, Mixue seamlessly integrated their brand name into the lyrics, conveying a message of mutual love and support between the brand and its customers. The theme song’s success lies in its simple yet relatable melody and lyrics, combined with the lively and playful nature of the brand mascot, creating an atmosphere that effortlessly compels people to hum and groove along.

At the same time, people are actively recreating animation videos on the Internet. The theme song of Mixue has been made into theme songs in various language versions, and the snowman has been made into various meme pictures and spread on various social media platforms. Almost everyone got involved in the spread and had all kinds of fun.

Meme picture of Mixue
Theme song in various languages

3.Host a singing celebration that draws people into the story

With the viral spread of this song online, Mixue launched a karaoke event in their offline stores. People only needed to sing their theme song inside the store and upload the video to TikTok to receive a free lemonade. This clever move successfully tapped into the enthusiasm of young people for meme culture. At the time, you could see many young people lining up in front of their stores, and various videos related to the event became popular on the internet. Many of these videos were highly entertaining and humorous, as people treated this activity as a form of entertainment. It was undeniably a highly successful digital marketing campaign that effectively linked all channels together.



Yitong Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

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