The Ugly Truth

Rodrigo Hernandez
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 13, 2022

Whether we want to admit it or not, there are a lot of things about us that we don’t necessarily love and wish we could change. But the truth of the matter is, can we really change certain things about our personalities? or are we just hardwired this way? Has our past forged this path and we must know learn to cope with the fact that simply this is the way we are and always will be? The path has already been laid down for us.

If you direct this questions at me, I firmly believe that a person can always change for the better. With true discipline and a whole lot of determination anything is possible. Some say it only takes 21 days to create a habit, so go at it.

I was really intrigued by the Fascinate Test, but I’m not going to lie I was a bit skeptical and nervous as I was taking it. Turns out, that when I got the results I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. Not only was the test extremely accurate, but it actually made me feel really good about myself and it helped me reaffirm what I though I already knew about my personality. Enter “The Connoisseur”…

Leonardo DiCaprio in The Great Gatsby

The Connoisseur” is best described as someone who is insightful, distinguished and in-the-know. Warmhearted and knowledgeable, a person that is highly appreciated by colleagues, employees, and customers. A person that appreciates subtleties and understands minute differences. He gets inspired by new connections and enthusiastically shares his knowledge with others. Networking comes easy both during business meetings and private gatherings. My primary and secondary triggers were prestige and passion. These triggers allow me to further strengthen my personality and bring out the best in me.

After reading some of the attributes listed about the “The Connoisseur”, it absolutely felt true to me. I am a very curious and extrovert person, that is always eager to learn and experience new things. I lead by example and hate the feeling of being in a room and not being able to contribute in a positive way to a conversation. I strongly believe that in order to properly formulate an argument, one must be educated on the matter in order to express his opinion. I am fascinated about the world around me, and constantly yearn to know more about its purpose.

Speaking about my personal brand, I believe that with great power comes great responsibility. I must take full advantage of the before mentioned attributes and bring out the best not only in myself, but of the people around me. Inspire and lead change in order to build a better tomorrow. And to finish this story I would like to leave you with a very powerful quote from one of my favorite movies of all time (The Dark Knight Rises), so that if you are ever going through a hard time in your life you can remember this and hopefully it will help you get through it.

“The night is darkest just before dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.” — Harvey Dent.



Rodrigo Hernandez
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Mexican Entrepreneur currently living in New York City. MS in Integrated Marketing at NYU. Interested in sports and living life to the fullest.